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你们是加工者或分包商吗?Are you a preparer or a subcontractor?

科学应用国际公司是子承包商。Science Applications International Corp. is the subcontractor.

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成带和带扣的生产,交分包商承做。The manufacture of belts and buckles is put out to subcontractor.

协助开发原材料,设备等的供应商及转包商。Assist to develop vender of process, material, equipment, and subcontractor.

供应商自身是否对候选的转包商有一定的要求?。Does the supplier have requirement for subcontractor qualification candidate?

本公司不接受将样品交予其他具资格的分包公司作检测。We do not accept subcontracting of test to qualified subcontractor of SGS-CSTC.

首先,除了日本之外,亚洲国家本质上仍是西方国家的承包商。The first is that Asia, except Japan, remains in essence a subcontractor to the West.

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承包商资格是否由品质系统进行稽核和过程品质分析?Is subcontractor qualification done by quality system audit and process quality analysis?

主签约人和子签约人保持持续的沟通。Goal3 The prime contractor and the software subcontractor maintain ongoing communications.

通过点击一个按钮的方式可以在所有承包支付方面保持最新的信息。Up-to-date information on all payments made toa subcontractor is available by simple click of a button.

如果需要进行后焊热处理,则应由经核准的分包商实施。When post weld heat treatment is required, the PWHT may be performed by using an approved subcontractor.

此外,VT集团的综合解决方案单位将作为该合同的一个分包商。Additionally, VT Group’s Integrated Solutions business unit will act as a subcontractor on the task order.

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其时苹果公司声称富士康公司已经改过自新,它将继续使用该承包商。At the time Apple claimed that Foxconn had cleaned up its act and it would continue to use the subcontractor.

所有须染色或油漆的木制品均由负责此项目的木制品分包商完成。All millwork noted to be stained or lacquered is to be the finish responsibility of the Millwork SubContractor.

试件的试验应由具有资质的分包商实施,独立第三方机构人员负责监督。The specimens shall be tested by the qualified subcontractor with the supervision of the independent personnel.

分包商须得提交此类采购的所有票据,供审核、认可和报销。The subcontractor must submit all the documents of such a procurement for check and approval and reimbursement.

与此同时,EADS还聘请美国咨询公司SAIC作为分包商实行其Architect的工作。EADS, meanwhile, has enlisted U.S. consulting company SAIC as a subcontractor in its bid for the architect's job.

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这种情况下,研究人员必须保证任何这样的转包商充分遵循标准中的规定。In such cases the researcher must ensure that any such subcontractor fully conforms to the provisions of this Code.

更早之前,由于被披露他将合同给他的情妇开的公司,铁道部长辞职。Earlier, the railway minister had resigned amid reports he steered contracts to a subcontractor run by his mistress.

我们可以承建成套工厂或分包单项工程或供给劳务。We can contract to build turn-key plant, undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services.