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婚约性质从本质上说应属一种契约。Affiance is a contract in essence.

婚约性质从本质上说应属特殊的契约。Affiance is some special contract in the essence.

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他在青少年时期就显得很有长进。In his adolescence, he had apparent abundant affiance.

婚约关系的处理首要任务乃在确定婚约成立的时间。It is the primary role to adjust the relationship of affiance how to confirm the time of affiance.

婚约关系的存在将产生特定的诉讼法上的效果,并使婚约当事人负有特定义务。The existence of affiance offers the special law suit effect, and asks the parties to bear some duties.

没有对鸽子的攻击但是他们认为在现有的数量,鸟是不需要的。他说。Know affiance No offense against pigeons but they seem , in their current numbers , such an unnecessary bird, he says.

而对失信行为惩罚不力、公司管理人短期行为、公司内部缺乏基本的信用管理制度是诚信缺失的最主要原因。Slight punishment, ephemeral behavior and the deficiency of affiance management system are the principal causes of honesty deficiency.

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婚约起源于古代社会的买卖婚姻,近现代多数国家或地区亲属法也规定了婚约制度。Affiance originated from mercenary marriage of ancient society. The relative law of most countries or regions also stipulate the affiance system.

船行既远,慕雪心念一转,索性将错就错,就此避开与威廉的婚约。The boat goes already far, admire snow heart reads aloud to turn, simply over shoes over boots, at this point the affiance of escape and Williams.

媒妁是中国婚姻文化的重要组成部分,它的产生是随着人类社会的发展以及婚姻状况的变化而出现的。Affiance is an important part of marriage culture in China. It appeared with the development of human society and the change of the marital status.

婚约解除后相互“送”给对方的财物因失其基础应当返还,因婚约解除而受损害的一方也应有权请求精神损害赔偿。After the affiance has been relieved , the property presented by the other should be returned. Affiance party can ask for compensation if his or her spirit has been damaged.

富家宝的母亲欲给儿子讨一个老婆,她要早年因赌债被迫将女儿卖给自己做媳妇的孙二娘兑现婚约。Fu Jiabao's mother is about to marry a wife to the son, the Sun Erniang that because a debt of honour is forced to sell his to do son's wife the daughter, she wants one's early years cashs affiance.