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对实现湖南省山丘区可持续发展有一定的指导意义。It has a certain leading meaning to carry out the continuable development in Hunan mountain area.

报警服务保障机制的建立是使其可持续性发展的必要保证。The instauration of guarantee system is necessary for alarm service industry to continuable develops.

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红麻作为多用途可持续利用的再生资源引人关注。Kenaf has been considered as a versatile crop with multipurpose and continuable utilization in the World.

城市热岛及其环境效应的研究有利于城市合理规划和可持续发展。The research of UHI and its environmental effects was propitious to the city planning and its continuable development.

从可持续发展的观点来看,生物质热裂解制取生物油技术有良好的发展前景。From the point of view of continuable development, the technology of biomass pyrolysis for producting bio-oil has a good prospect.

社区图书馆必须明确服务对象、科学合理地进行功能定位,才能持续发展。Only its user and function have been defined scientifically and rationally, the community library can keep continuable development.

目的了解黔江区乡镇卫生院改革的内容和效果,探索西部农村乡镇卫生院可持续发展的道路。Objective To know what have been done by Qiang Jiang Health Bureau and explore a continuable way for town hospitals in western region.

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因此,建立和完善林区的社会保障制度体系是顺利实施天然林保护工程的关键。The present social security system state forest regions hider the implementtionation of the continuable developmental forestry stratagem.

鄂西旅游区必须发展生态特色旅游,以促进湖北经济、社会、生态的可持续发展。This thesis considers Exi tourism scenic spot must develop ecotourism so as to accelerate continuable development in economy, ecology and society.

发展创新人格教育,是适应知识经济发展的必然要求和社会可持续发展。In order to meet the need of knowledge economy and continuable development of society, it is necessary to carry out innovative personality education.

在生态旅游开发层次与空间布局等方面,提出了一条适合于闽江河口湿地生态旅游可持续发展的道路,旨在为国内湿地生态旅游资源开发提供借鉴。And it provides a continuable exploitation arrangement in the wetland of Minjing Estuary, so as to provide guidance for development of wetland eco-tourism resource.

社会的没有竭演变战进步日损较着的报告我们,可连尽铺合门略搏是人类的唯一选择战配开选择。Society is constantly evolving and increasingly obvious progress tells us that the road of continuable development is the only option for humanity and common choice.

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对于培育新型农民,促进农民增收以及全面促进农业、农村可持续发展意义重大。It is signality for educating new type farmer, accelerating the income increasing of farmer, hastening the continuable development of agriculture and country roundly.

在可持续发展观下,建筑安全性原则在可持续理论框架下,其外延与内涵都得到了全面的扩展。In the viewpoint of continuation, security principle of building has extended wildly in its extension and intension under the theory frame of continuable architecture.

本文以西安市北沙坡村为研究区域,展开对土地可持续利用的评价研究。Choosing the north Shapo village of Xi'an city as the researching area, in this text, I will launch a research on the evaluation of the continuable utilization of land.

作为社会主义可持续发展的内在要求和重要奋斗目标,构建社会主义和谐社会应自始至终贯穿于整个现代化建设的过程之中。As the inherence request and the important striving target of the continuable development of socialism, the harmonious thoughts should run though out the passage of modernization.

基于终身教育理论,从婴幼儿阶段开始,对家长进行教育、指导,将为孩子一生的可持续发展奠定了家庭教育的基础。Basing on Lifelong Education Theory, parents need education and instruction when their infants are still infants, which will lay foundation for the long-life continuable development.

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跳汰选煤是我国煤炭洗选加工的主要方法之一,在重选中占据主要地位,也是我国可持续发展战略要求,是充分利用和节约煤炭能源的主要手段。Jigging is one of the most important methods in separation coal, is the primary measure to economize coal energy sources, and is the request of the continuable development stratagem.

产业结构理论发展目标由增长的单目标变为可持续的多目标,发展的途径由静态理论演绎转为动态实证分析。The aim of industry-structure theory is getting from single increase to continuable development aims, while its course from static-state theoretical deduction to dynamic empirical study.

提出了数字道落交通的结构模式、功能及相关技术,为中国透路交通可待续性发展提供构思框架。This paper emphasizes the structure model, function and related technology of DHT, and brings forward the magnificent blueprint of the continuable development of highway transport in China.