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赣江风雪迷漫处。To the snow-swept River Kan.

遂昌凯恩大酒店真城欢迎您的到来!Welcome to the Sui Chang Kan Hotel!

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是否将与菅直人首相举行会谈?Will he hold talks with Prime Minister Kan?

简松年表示,释放的辐射量是“微小的”。Mr Kan said the amount of radiation released was "tiny".

菅直人在有480个席位的下议院获得了293支持对152反对的票数。Kan won by a margin of 293-152 in the 480-seat lower house.

还在学习,不知道你看不看得懂?。Still learning, do not know you have to understand Kan Bukan?

总理大臣菅直人说,没有任何辐射泄漏。Prime Minister Naoto Kan said there had been no radiation leaks.

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你是否看不看是美好的,我不能原谅原有的良好。Whether you Kan Bukan be good, I can not forgive the original good.

堪萨斯州威尔斯威尔市的伊丽莎白-莱顿到68岁才开始画画。Elizabeth Layton of Wellsville, Kan was 68 before she began to draw.

日本首相菅直人借机建立亲善关系。Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is keen to build on that goodwill.

菅直人和其内阁成员给人的印象是真挚有余,而振奋人心不足。Mr Kan and his crew come across as earnest rather than electrifying.

电源接线、电池接线、灯管、灯座是否确实崁合。Power cables, battery cables, lamp, lamp holder really Kan together.

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出刊八期,每一期都受到各系师生的广泛好评。Chu Kan 8, each student of each department are subject to wide acclaim.

本星期,在日本国会,菅直人呼吁议员们支持有关自贸协议的讨论。In parliament this week, Mr. Kan lobbied for support on the discussions.

菅直人说,依照疏散决定行事是为了居民的安全。Kan said the evacuation advisory is being done for the residents' safety.

菅先生派出了10万官兵去应对海啸,这是一个良好的开端。Mr Kan initially reacted well to the tsunami by mobilising 100,000 troops.

任何一点失职的迹象,都将成为小泽一郎再次攻击菅直人的靶子。Any sign of weakness, and Mr Ozawa may once again take pot shots at Mr Kan.

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胡主席应约同菅直人首相会晤,进行了交谈。President Hu, at request, had talks with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan.

日本首相相菅直人说此次灾难破坏面积特别广。Prime Minister Kan said the disaster caused major damage across wide areas.

日本的总理大臣菅直人曾表示,国家对“最高警戒”的说法。Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has said the country is on "maximum alert".