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我们正准备投弃货物。We're going to jettison the cargo.

你船能抛弃后面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo aft to refloat?

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你船能抛弃前面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo forward to refloat?

轮将抛弃货物以脱浅。MV Red Rose will jettison cargo to refloat.

重复,立刻抛弃同步炮模块。Repeat, jettison Synchro Cannon modules immediately.

其他人则想要抛弃精神分析理论,在这个方面的内容。Others would want to jettison that aspect of Freudian theory.

他来的时候,我们要撇弃一切自我管理的倾向。As He comes in, we must jettison all inclinations to self-management.

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不知如何把自卑处理,便胡乱投弃到他人身上。We don't know how to deal with the inferiority and jettison to others.

这可能类似于一点小跳跃,但让我们抛开某个历史的包袱。This may seem like a bit of a leap, but let's jettison some historical baggage.

囚犯们纷纷将违禁品扔出他们的牢房,扔到牢房区的第一层。Prisoners jettison a storm of contraband from their cells onto the prison floor below.

通用决定在2008年抛弃这个品牌,如果是这样的话,那么萨博将会立即资不抵债。GM decided to jettison the brand in late 2008, and the small company quickly became insolvent.

巴克莱资本和加拿大帝国商业银行掉离了世界一流信贷投资银行的长队。Barclays Capital and CIBC joined the long list of lenders to jettison senior investment bankers.

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不满足于仅仅抛弃其顽固的形象于货架上,Burberry还在数码科技上变得更加精明。Not content simply to jettison its stodgy image on the racks, Burberry has also been digitally savvy.

发生紧急事故时,逃逸塔与太空船一起脱离运载火箭,把太空人送到安全地点。In case of accidents, the escape tower will jettison with the spacecraft, bringing the astronauts to safety.

当执政党明白他们必须扬弃穆加比,那麽也许还会有转机,但是目前情势并不乐观。When Zanu realises that they have to jettison Mugabe, then maybe something will happen, but the outlook is pretty gloomy.

在这15年的痛苦经历中,经济问题中应该扬弃一些什么,成为困扰日本的难题。Throughout this 15-year ordeal, Japan has struggled with the difficult issue of what to jettison and what to cling on to.

在一段时运不济的时期,汉被迫将一批赫特人贾巴的走私香料中途丢弃。During a stretch of bad fortune, Solo was forced to jettison a cargo of contraband spice belonging to the gangster Jabba the Hutt.

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与敌机近距离遭遇后,三联战斗机抛弃助推器,并继续加速攻击。Once within closing distance of enemy starfighters, the tri-fighter would jettison its booster and continue with an accelerated attack.

MPACT是一种气动系统,能产生高压,它能压缩空气,用于从各种军用飞机上投放武器。MPACT is a pneumatic system that generates the high-pressure, compressed air required to jettison weapons from various military aircraft.

尽管如此,该研究发现,同女性一样,在一段新恋情开始之际,男性也会抛弃一些朋友。However, men were just as likely to jettison friends at the start of a new romantic attachment as women, found the study of those aged 18 to 60.