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哈加达一词在拉比学术界中使用。The term Haggadah is used in rabbinic scholarship.

犹太教圣经形成于拉比时期。The Jewish bible started developing in the Rabbinic period.

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卡扎菲的母亲是我祖母的女儿,这么说,卡扎菲在犹太法律中应该算是犹太人。Her daughter was the colonel's mother, making him Jewish under rabbinic law.

博大精深的圣经和犹太法典构成了洁食律法的主要内容。This vast array of Biblical and Rabbinic literature comprises the body of Kosher law.

耶稣的门徒们也是学生,他们在耶稣的犹太巡游学校中就读。The disciples of Jesus were students who enrolled in Jesus' peripatetic rabbinic school.

古老的谚语提醒着我们,因为所拥有的东西感到快乐,我们也可以很富有。An ancient rabbinic teaching reminds us that we are wealthy when we are happy with what we possess.

约在905年离开埃及,最后定居巴比伦尼亚,担任希伯来语的苏拉学院院长。He left Egypt c. 905 and eventually settled in Babylonia, where he headed the rabbinic Academy of Sura.

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许多学生是在经历了商业、法学或其他领域的职业生涯之后才开始接受拉比培训。Many students come to rabbinic training after a professional career in business, law, or some other field.

犹太拉比的传统认为一个人要藉著行善才能得义。The idea, then as now, in the rabbinic tradition, was that a man obtained righteousness through good works.

乌列是犹太人被放逐到巴比伦后的希伯莱传统的大天使之一,也存在于某些基督教传统中。他的名字也许类似于乌利亚。Uriel is one of the archangels of post-Exilic Rabbinic tradition, and also of certain Christian traditions. His name may have analogies with Uriah.

随着犹太教思想的习俗在古代的发展,他们训诫人们应该拒绝,希腊语圣经,不使用希腊语圣经。So as Rabbinic ideas and as Rabbinic practices developed in late antiquity,they taught that they should reject the Greek bible,not use the Greek bible.

由此可见,被动的学术并非拉比的理想,也不应成为今日之学院和大学的理想,无论这些学府是犹太人的还是非犹太人的。Passive scholarship, you see, was not a rabbinic ideal, nor ought it to be the ideal of colleges and universities today, whether they are Jewish or not.

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在签署正式合同、缴纳相关费用后,OU的特派教职检察员将审查合同的履行情况。Upon completion of the signed contract and payment of certification fees, the OU's designated Rabbinic Inspector will review compliance with the signed agreement.

多年来,他一直负责邀请知名的非犹太裔人士──新教徒、罗马天主教徒,美国穆斯林──到他所在的全国性拉比组织发表演说。For years he had been in charge of inviting well-known non-Jews — Protestants, Roman Catholics, occasionally American Muslims — to speak at his national rabbinic organization.

事实上就是罗马人在公元70年毁坏了第二庙宇之后,拉比式的犹太教才变得有支配地位,拉比的角色在犹太社团中变得一致。It was really not until after the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in A. D. 70 that Rabbinic Judaism became dominant and the role of the rabbi made uniform in Jewish communities.

有很多章节描述了达成解决方案,上帝生气了很久,但是更新的契约出现了,上帝给了另一块石法板,一部犹太教义的文本显示,破碎的石法板,和新的石法板,都放在藏经柜中。It actually takes several chapters to reach a resolution, and God pouts for quite a while, but a renewal of the covenant does occur, and another set of stone tablets is given, and according to one rabbinic text the broken tablets, as well as the new tablets, are both placed in the ark.