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史蒂文用随身带的小刀杀死了这只小鸟。Steven killed the bird with his pocketknife.

携带随身小折刀作为安全措施Carry a small pocketknife as a security measure

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他拿出他的随身小折刀,在大橡树上划了一道沟槽。He took his pocketknife and in the big oak made a groove.

大尺寸和重量上非常实用的折叠小刀。Great size and weight on a very usable folding pocketknife.

泰瑞将他的枪打落到一边,伊菜晃开一把小折刀走向金姆。She knocks his gun aside and he flips open a pocketknife on Kim.

它提供了更多有用比想象的猫和狗这种规模。It offers more usefulness than thought possible in a pocketknife this size.

然后,爷爷掏出一把小折刀,开始精细地雕刻那块树皮。Then Grandfather took a little pocketknife and started to carve the bark delicately.

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银行家冷冷地一笑,接着用一把珍珠柄小刀修起指甲来。The banker laughed disagreeably and began trimming his nails with a pearl-handled pocketknife.

他用随身带的小刀割断海岭的安全带,把她的座位向后倒,并用手抱持住她的头和脖子。With a pocketknife he cut Herring's seat belt, reclined her seat, then cradled her head and neck in his hands.

罗尼用他的随身小折刀割断司机位置的安全带时,不曾想穿着靴子的脚又被一条乘客位置的安全带缠住了。Ronnie had used his pocketknife to cut himself free from the driver’s-side seat belt only to get his boot ensnared in another one.

在搏斗中,米尔克雷从裤袋里抽出一把小刀并刺向进攻他的人,先是胸部,由于对方紧紧抱住他不放,他便用刀一次次刺进对方的背部。In the struggle, Milcray drew a small pocketknife from his trousers and stabbed his assailant, first in the chest and then, folded in an unwanted embrace, again and again in the back.