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石英管“,”Quartz Heater Pipe.

他经常抽根大烟斗。He smoked a big pipe.

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你注意到他的脚了吗?Did you pipe his feet?

他不停地抽烟斗。He was smoking a pipe.

这支烟斗好抽。This pipe smokes well.

他猛吸烟斗。He dragged at his pipe.

我从前常抽烟斗。I used to smoke a pipe.

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开泰制管股份有限公司。Kai Tai Pipe Co. , Ltd.

这管子是送水用的。The pipe carries water.

他坐着抽烟斗。He sat puffing his pipe.

一个煤气管爆炸了。A gas pipe was explosive.

我可以用一下你的钻具本吗?。May I use your pipe book?

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管风琴弹了出来.The pipe organ bombs out.

煤气从管道里漏出来。Gas escapes from the pipe.

他开始习惯于抽烟斗…He took to smoking a pipe.

请打开闸板防喷器。Open the pipe ram, please.

她想从他那里探听些消息。She tried to pipe him off.

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他给烟斗装上烟,然后点着。He filled and lit his pipe.

烟斗里渍了很多油子。The pipe is caked with tar.

用加热体例来弯管子。Bend the pipe by heating it.