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比恩卡那麽这是谁的?Bianca. Why, whose is it?

比恩卡你好,凯西奥朋友!Bianca. Save you, friend Cassio!

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比恩卡我也是要到你的尊寓去的,凯西奥。什麽!Bianca. And I was going to your lodging, Cassio.

直到他的母亲比安卡发现了这个地方。Until his mother, Bianca had discovered the plot.

御妻学校!有这样一个所在吗?BIANCA. The taming -school! What, is there such a place?

比安卡慢慢走出了房子,没有多说一句话。Without another word, Bianca had stalked out of the house.

当他在忙活这事情的时候,你就有时间去泡比安卡。While he's busy setting things up, you have time with Bianca.

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到了7岁的时候,比安卡发现她真的对音乐产生浓厚的兴趣。But by the age of 7, Bianca discovered that she really enjoyed singing.

“宾克!”比安卡带着警告的语气叫道。他从来没看见过母亲如此生气。"Bink! " Bianca snapped warningly. He had never seen her so angry before.

当你完成时请告诉我,我会和比安卡一起为你庆祝。And let me know when you finish, I'll come over with Bianca to enjoy it together.

2006年,比安卡为一个崭新的电视台节目选秀,被称之为“美国之天才”进行试演。In 2006, Bianca auditioned for a brand-new TV talent show called America's Got Talent.

到了7岁的时候,比安卡发现她真的对音乐产生浓厚的兴趣。By the age of 7, Bianca discovered that she really enjoyed singing. She sang her first solos in church.

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上周二晚,当丹蒂的妈妈比安卡发现孩子和狗从前面的花园消失了后,马上报警寻求帮助。Dante's mother Bianca raised the alarm after the pair disappeared from her front garden on Tuesday evening.

自从赢得这次比赛之后,比安卡的生活发生了了戏剧性的变化,2006年11月,她的首张唱片,比安卡赖安专辑首次发行。Since winning the contest, Bianca's life has changed dramatically. Her first CD, Bianca Ryan, debuted in November 2006.

哈奇先生带著「拟真娃娃」毕安卡与「泰迪宝贝豪华版」卡莉到英国,到访过牛津、维特夏郡及威尔斯的亚伯加维尼。Mr Hockey flew 'Realdoll' Bianca and 'Teddy Babe Deluxe' Carley to Britain for trips to Oxford, Wiltshire and Abergavenny, Wales.

当比安卡发现陶瓷并没有那么硬的时候,她开始吃陶瓷,然后她又开始吃烟灰。我们觉得可能是熏肉的味道唤起了她的这种瘾。Bianca started eating pottery but found it wasn't gritty enough, so she went on to eat cigarette ashes. And we thought bacon was the gateway food.

如今的比安卡是一位活跃的人权维护者,当她在达官显贵之间穿梭的时候,沃霍尔就会在他的工作室替她照顾女儿杰德。Warhol would babysit Bianca's daughter Jade at his studio, the Factory, while Bianca — now a human-rights activist — took her place among the jet set.

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「去年情况真糟。你在开学回到学校时已经忘记你学过的所有东西,」14岁的碧昂卡˙李斯特说,她是西侧高中高一的学生。"It was pretty bad last year. You come back to school and had forgot everything you ever learned, " said Bianca Lister, 14, a freshman at Westside High School.

您当地的婚礼指南的读者,从坎贝尔SA的Tallarida比安卡,最近写信给我们,“我的未婚夫阿德里安求婚一分钟就过了午夜新年除夕!Your Local Wedding Guide reader, Bianca Tallarida from Campbelltown SA, recently wrote to us, "my fiance Adrian popped the question one minute past midnight on New Years Eve!"

许多男人到我们店里的女装部买女式的仔裤,T恤和针织衣服,甚至还有人买女人的护腿。"We get a lot of boys coming in to our store buying women's jeans, T-shirts and knitwear and even leggings from the women's collection, " says Bianca Wiegard, from the Fat fashion stores.