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啤酒,文化和美食?布兰切特?Beer and culture and Cate? Blanchett?

妈妈饭香是一家中式快餐连锁店。Mama cate is a Chinese fast food chain.

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凯特·布兰切特从不惧怕大胆的时尚选择。Cate Blanchett is never afraid of the bold fashion choice.

我喜欢凯特·布兰切特。上帝,我不知道!每一个演员我都爱!I love Cate Blanchett. God, I don't know! Everybody! I love actors.

但若是参加夏日聚会,你应该向凯特·布兰切特学习。But for a summer party, you should take the lead from Cate Blanchett.

尝遍全球美食是饕餮一族的最大心愿。Tasting global cate is the greatest cherished desire of gluttonous gens.

天上有几只秃鹰正在盘旋,伺机扑下来美食一番。The sky has a few condor to circling, wait for one's chance attacks cate.

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他碰到了美食Capshaw谁是一个演员当他正在他的电影。He met Cate Capshaw who is an actress when he was working on one of his films.

夜总会是个各色人等的大杂烩,能迎合各种品位的需求。The night club is a grab bag with all kinds of people cate ring to different tastes.

卓越品质,高雅环境令“晨光”美食名扬云城。The predominant quality and elegant environment make "Chenguang" cate more famous in Yuncheng.

凯特·布兰切特开玩笑的说她选择精灵女王盖拉德丽尔这个角色是因为她一直都想有一对尖耳朵。Cate Blanchett joked that she took the role of Galadriel because, "I've always wanted pointy ears".

她让他拿出冰箱里的美食喂她,用渗出液体的冰块在她的肌肤上滑行。She lets him take out the cate in freezer to feed her, glide on her skin with oozy liquid ice cube.

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“犯人被要求每天早上6点准时签到,”CDCR局长马修•凯特说。"Inmates are required to log in promptly every morning at 6 a.m.," CDCR secretary Matthew Cate said.

两个爱好美食的女人走到了一起,朱莉也渐渐了解了关于这本书背后的故事。Two women that love cate went one case, zhu Li also knew the story about this book backside gradually.

作为狮鹫大公斯拉瓦和妻子凯特的幼子,基里尔和她妹妹安娜斯塔西娅同时出生。Youngest son of Duke Slava and Duchess Cate of Griffin, Kiril was born on the same day as his sister, Anastasya.

生活,是井中蛙所看到的那片变幻莫测的天空,是一道以现实为原材料做成的令人谗涎欲滴的佳肴。Life is the changeable sky saw by the flog in the well as well as a tempting cate which is made out of the reality.

根据最新一项调查显示,她们被推崇为最受仰慕的女性。Instead, actresses Cate Blanchett and Nicole Kidman are held up as the most admired women, according to a new survey.

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前十名还包括凯特·布兰切特、梅丽尔·斯特里普、珍妮弗·安妮斯顿、约翰尼·德普、尼古拉斯·凯奇和莎拉·杰西卡·帕克。Cate Blanchett, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Aniston, Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage and Sarah Jessica Parker round out the top 10.

重庆以美食著称,火锅全国闻名,开个订餐网没有不成功的道理。Chongqing with cate celebrated, chaffy dish whole nation is famed, open a net that order meal to do not have unsuccessful truth.

新线公司想让彼得·杰克逊在影片开始时加一段开场白,让凯特·布兰切特说,杰克逊反对。New Line wanted Peter Jackson to start the film with a prologue done by Cate Blanchett, something that Jackson didn't want to do.