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革命的新高潮来了。A new upsurge of revolution has come.

一个建设之新高潮正在兴起。A new upsurge in construction is in the making.

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一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。A new upsurge in construction is in the making.

掀起生产高潮,实现扭亏增盈。Set off upsurge in production and achieve profitability.

这部电影可能会带起一股宠物豚鼠热潮吧。The film may be brought off an upsurge of bar pet guinea pigs.

回忆已往的一学期,咱们心潮荡漾。One recalls the past semester, we feel an upsurge of agitation.

这些新思想引起了民族意识的新高涨。These new ideas gave rise to a new upsurge of national feeling.

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这标志了这个地区人民斗争的新高潮。This marked a new upsurge in the struggle of the people in the area.

一腔热血,无处可流,心潮澎湃如波涌。A cavity blood, nowhere to flow, an upsurge of emotion, such as surge.

我国丰富的风能资源与风力扶持政策,促进着风力发电的应用与发展。The developing upsurge of wind power generation has rose in whole worldwide.

汉语学习的新高潮正在国外许多国家中兴起。And a new upsurge in learning Chinese is in the making in many foreign countries.

近年来,全国上下掀起一股建设新校园的热潮。Recently, there stands an upsurge to construct new campuses all over the country.

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十多年来,计算机在全球掀起一股高科技创新热潮。Computer has started one upsurge of world wide high tech innovation for over ten years.

基于这样的背景,行政中心的建设进入了一轮前所未有的高潮。Given this background, China has seen an upsurge of administration center construction.

必将成为产业投资新热点。Therefore, glass-reinforced plastic profiles will for sure enjoy upsurge in investment.

其最终目的是打退国民党顽固派发起的三次反共高潮。Its final aim was to repulse the third anti-communist upsurge launched by the KMT diehards.

在以色列与哈马斯统治的加沙地带交界处,暴力活动急剧升级。There has been an upsurge of violence on the Israeli border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

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沂南汉画像石墓1954年被发掘后,曾一度掀起研究热潮。Since 1954 people unearthed stone tombs in Yi Nan, there was ever a great upsurge in studies.

上次大规模蝗虫高潮在2005年年初结束,目前的警报级别为绿色或平静。The last big locust upsurge ended early in 2005 and the current alert level is green or calm.

近年来,我国出境旅游出现了一股热潮,社会给予了极大的关注。In recent years, there was an upsurge of out-bound tourism, which community greatly concerned.