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杰克的房子装饰得十分华丽。Jack's house was gorgeously embossed.

帮他们在一间漂亮奢华的饭店登记。Check them into a gorgeously luxurious hotel.

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我每天穿着朴素的衣服,站在花枝招展的她们中间。I am wearing simple dress everyday, stand in be gorgeously dressed among them.

他们华丽的迷人和相若的传奇巡洋舰和定制的摩托车。They are gorgeously captivating and comparable to that of legendary cruisers, and customized choppers.

我喜爱那些物品,不论是尽能用来做一次装备的可爱的围巾,还是可以使面包一圈圈上升的华丽小碗,我都喜欢。I am big on accessories, from that cute scarf that just makes an outfit, to a gorgeously coiled bread rising bowl.

你可以在一个精心排版的首页上点一则故事来阅读这篇绚彩的文章。You'd be able to point at a story on a carefully choreographed front page to access a gorgeously designed article.

那天晚上,我早早地洗个鲜花牛奶澡,将自己打扮得艳丽动人,然后倚在床上等鹏。That day in the evening, I bathe a flower milk early, dress up oneself gorgeously moving, lean in the bed next classy roc.

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这部巨片以出色的摄影技巧在爪哇中部和印度拍成,不失为一个动人的爱情故事。Long, melodramatic, yet gorgeously shot in Central Java and India, Ayat Ayat Cinta is, at the end of the day, a love story.

这部巨片以出色的摄影技巧在爪哇中部和印度拍成,不失为一个动人的爱情故事。Long, melodramatic , yet gorgeously shot in Central Java and India, Ayat Ayat Cinta is, at the end of the day, a love story.

这是一场在两位大师之间的美妙对话,是一张爵士标准曲和民谣曲演奏的华丽收藏。高度推荐!This is a beautiful conversation between two masters, and a collection of gorgeously played standards and ballads. Recommended!

一些哲人详细描写了那道不可回头的门背后是何等壮丽辉煌的奇观,但另一些却讲述了门后世界的恐怖与失望。Some of the dream-sages wrote gorgeously of the wonders beyond the irrepassable gate, but others told of horror and disappointment.

金色树叶包裹的蛋壳破成两半,每一半里面躺着写有文字的小纸条。Gorgeously crafted, it came with a gold-leafed eggshell broken in two, each half filled with little strips of paper with phrases on them.

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华丽的书面和深刻移动,在这个非同寻常的小说是一次困扰的爱情故事和丰富,反映肖像的地方。Gorgeously written and profoundly moving, this extraordinary novel is at once a haunting love story and a rich, reflective portrait of place.

丰富的印花图案,真丝的衣料柔滑舒适,袖子的款式是传统的和服风格,前面开襟设计。Richly patterned silk is gorgeously fashioned into a boxy, open-front jacket styled with traditional kimono-style sleeves slit under the arms.

你们出去到底是要看什么。要看穿细软衣服的人吗。那穿华丽衣服宴乐度日的人,是在王宫里。But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and live delicately, are in kings' courts.

他贪恋邻邦的亚述人、就是穿极华美的衣服、骑着马的省长、副省长、都是可爱的少年人。She doted upon the Assyrians her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously , horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men.

酒店所在的建筑是一栋经过华丽翻修的18世纪大厦,以彩色玻璃窗为装饰,里面有一家非常棒的雪茄商店,以及一个私密的吸烟室。A gorgeously restored 18th-century mansion adorned with stained-glass windows, the hotel also has an excellent cigar shop, plus an intimate smokers lounge.

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鲜花用包装羊皮纸可制成鲜艳的装有营养液的鲜花包装用纸袋。The fresh flowers use to pack the parchment and can make into fresh have the fresh flowers of the nourishment liquid packing gorgeously with the paper bag.

Rimondi做这一切,但他们仍然设法拿出一个集合,它包含许多华丽,和华丽的手工细节丰富,看起来。Rimondi had to do all this, and yet they still managed to come up with a collection that contained many gorgeous, and gorgeously rich in artisanal detail, looks.

在某个茶室和酒吧间,他看见蓑衣还有他的竹笠高挂在髹漆得艳红或者金黄的柱子和墙壁上,落满红尘。In a certain teahouse or bar, he sees the coir raincoat and his bamboo hat, covered with crimson dust, hang high on the column and wall painted gorgeously red or golden.