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既有简洁,又有玩世不恭。has both terseness and cynicism.

XML标记的简洁性是最不重要的。Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.

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简洁是他的文体的特色。Terseness or succinctness of style or expression.

简洁精练或简洁的表达风格。Terseness or succinctness of style or expression.

“这孩子”精练的语言略似对低成本的西部电影的一种戏仿。The kid's terseness is a mild parody of B-movie westerns.

该模型具有结构严谨,易于分析的特点。The model has characteristic of preciseness and terseness.

初读时它给人的印象是生动和简洁。What strikes at a first reading is its vividness and terseness.

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确实是简洁过度,被运用到Tacitean极端。The terseness is indeed excessive and carried to Tacitean extremes.

有了便宜的循环和核心,简洁不应该为了简洁而简洁。With cheap cycles and core, terseness should not be an end in itself.

对计量经济模型的简洁性和包容性提出了自己的观点。It raises its own viewpoints to terseness and containment of econometrics models.

但总的来说格言的简洁凝炼是与现代格言警句相类似的。But as a rule the terseness and point of the maxim approximate to the modern epigram.

因此,系统的复用性、可维护性、简洁性在开发中变得尤为重要。Therefore the reusability, maintainability and terseness are all important in the system.

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“寻觅徘徊”时期以简洁流畅的钢琴风格为主。In the times of "seeking and wandering", Satie's piano style gave priority to terseness and fluency.

验证结果表明,该方法在回热系统局部定量计算过程中具有简洁、准确、概念清晰等特点,适合推广。The results show the method is terseness , exactness and clearness in concept, and its application should be extended.

我们可能地将其归之于他以极端简洁的语言而切中Oraculo手册的大多数格言。It is just possible that we owe to him the extreme terseness and point of the majority of the maxims of the Oraculo Manual.

同时注重简洁、朴实和高品格,而不在于材料、装修的豪华及过分做作的造型。At the same time, we figure that it's important to pay more attention to the terseness and simplicity bur the luxury and overdoing.

在一个信息化的社会里,新闻的作用和地位日益重要,新闻必须具有准确、简洁、生动和鲜明的特点。In an informationalized community, news, which takes precision, terseness and vividness as its features, is playing a more and more significant role.

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公司组织架构具有形式简化、人员精简、责任明确、功能完善的优势。The organization structure obviously has the advantage in terseness of situation, simplification of personal, definiteness of duty and perfection of function.

中国古典诗歌以其精炼的语言,深刻的内容,丰富的意象,强烈的感情,以及鲜明的节奏和韵律吸引了无数中外读者。Classical Chinese poetry is characterized by its terseness in language, abstruseness in meaning, richness in imagery, sharpness in emotion, and distinctiveness in rhyme and rhythm.

中国古诗以其凝练的语言、含蓄的情感、深邃的意境以及鲜明的节奏和韵律被誉为中华文化的瑰宝。Classical Chinese poetry, with terseness in language, implicit emotion, abstruseness in ideorealm, and distinctiveness in rhythm and rhyme, has been praised as the treasure of Chinese culture.