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关贸总协定是临时的。GATT was ad hoc and provisional.

临时等级分不公布。Provisional rating are not published.

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球员把临时球打上果岭。The player played the provisional ball onto the green.

临时效果报告的调查结论是什么?So what are the provisional effectiveness reports findings?

中华人民共和国防止沿海水域污染暂行规定。Provisional Rules of Preventing Coast Water Pollution of the P. C. C.

当前,有关信任的神经学依然处在临时行为状态。At the moment, the neuroscience of trust remains extremely provisional.

埃布埃被选入科特迪瓦队的30人名单。Emmanuel Ebouehas been named in Ivory Coast's provisional 30-man squad.

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当然,这只是暂时的,但是这些阴暗的空间一直存在。Of course, this is only provisional but the shady space exists nonetheless.

春天是暂时的天堂,阳光使人变得坚韧有力。The springtime is a provisional paradise, the sun helps man to have patience.

龙头上置有一小香炉,下临陡峭的绝壁。Leading a small home on the censer under the provisional steep up a Precipice.

临时法庭进社区,可以给周围群众提供不少方便。The provisional court in communities provides convenient access for residents.

“向这文件致敬礼,”他说,“它是由临时政府发出的。”"Respect for despatches," said he. "It comes from the Provisional Government."

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本人谨代表上述公司,申请登记为职安局供应商。I apply on behalf of the Company to register as Provisional Supplier of the OSHC.

我深信地方政府将提供临时供应品。I’m convinced that the provincial government will provide provisional provisions.

我们有护照,又愿意花钱。他们于是在护照上作了临时签证。We had passports and we would spend the money, so they gave us provisional visas.

辛亥革命胜利后,孙中山当了临时大总统。After the victory of the Revolution, Dr. Sun Yat-sen as the provisional president.

在临时居留签证期限内,我必须居住在昆士兰州。I must reside in the State of Queensland during the period of my provisional visa.

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他还公布了临时宪法秩序,暂停某些基本权利。He issued a provisional constitutional order that suspended some fundamental rights.

该等资料属临时性质及未经审计,并且以历年基础计算。The statistics are provisional and unaudited, and prepared on a calendar year basis.

为应付当前的紧急状况,我提议召开临时国民会议。I propose that a provisional national assembly be held to meet the present emergency.