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五星级黄油?Five star butter?

牛油花生味的?Peanut Butter flavor?

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于是穆那查到了黄油那里。He came to the butter.

日式花生酱?Japanese peanut butter?

奶油加热便溶解。Butter liquefies in heat.

薄薄地涂一层黄油。Spread the butter thinly.

黄油是用奶酥制的。Butter is made from cream.

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替考把奶油涂到面包上。We spread butter on bread.

完全不需要鸡蛋和黄油。All without eggs or butter.

奶油遇热变软。Butter softens in the heat.

把虾在黄油里嫩煎。Saute the shrimp in butter.

4个迷你派模涂上一层奶油。Butter 4 mini tartlet molds.

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我想尝尝白脱布丁。I'll try the butter pudding.

哥帕拉向她乞求食物。Gopala begged her for butter.

在饼干上涂一层黄油。Spread a cracker with butter.

比苦牛油好的牛油。Better than her bitter butter.

甜言蜜语没有用。Fine words butter no parsnips.

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牛油和蒜蓉调匀。Mix butter with minced garlic.

另一件大型黄油雕刻品。Another large butter sculpture.

一扇窗象奶油一样黄。One window is yellow as butter.