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搅好鸡蛋后再慢慢地拌入面粉。Fold in the egg whites.

现在把蛋清调匀。Now blender the whites.

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他们的语言及文化都很多样。Than Native-born whites.

把蛋白搅拌好。Beat the egg whites well.

把鸡蛋清打稠。Beat the egg whites till stiff.

因为鸡蛋白随着时间的增长而变薄。Egg whites thin out as they age.

下一步是打蛋清。Next comes beating the egg whites.

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他们都穿着可体的白色网球服。They were in proper tennis whites.

您可能会看见狗狗眼睛的眼白。You may see the whites of the eyes.

加进两个打散的蛋清后搅匀。Fold in the beaten whites of two eggs.

这种差距在白人和黑人中均存在。The gap existed among whites and blacks.

把蛋白打得起稠尖儿。Whip the egg whites up into stiff peaks.

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蛋清比全蛋健康。Egg whites are healthier than whole eggs.

搅拌鸡蛋清直至其成为胶状的锥形。Whip egg whites until they form soft peaks.

几只金眼白和两头乌确实不错。A few whites and two black gold really good.

对手的眼白明确表达着恨。我的智慧在把它实践。The whites of my target-eyes articulate hate.

在一个干净的碗里,把蛋清打到最稠,使它上劲。In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites to peaks.

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黑色将更黑而白色将更白。The blacks will be blacker and the whites whiter.

到1972年时,只有三分之一的白人仍然反对。By 1972, only a third of whites were still opposed.

相反,有些白人把这种新情绪看成是种族主义。Some whites see this new mood as racism in reverse.