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所有371牙医执业洛锡安是发出了一份调查问卷。All 371 dentists practising in Lothian were sent a questionnaire.

主要根据罗伊的想法,我们对西洛锡安的病人制作了节食小册子。We've even produced a little diet booklet in West Lothian for patients mainly nicking Roy's ideas.

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然而,只有东洛锡安计划运行良好,在塞缪尔。布朗去世之后,这个计划也随之衰败。However, only the East Lothian scheme worked well and it began to decline after Samuel Brown's death.

他意识到东洛锡安地区乡民并没有利用图书馆。He became concerned that many people in the East Lothian countryside did not have access to libraries.

国王安格斯果真赢得了东洛锡安战役的胜利,圣安德鲁十字旗也理所当然成了苏格兰的国旗。The King did win the Battle of East Lothian and the Saltire therefore became the national flag of Scotland.

有关英格兰人民为英格兰法律投票的问题——即所谓的“西洛锡安问题”——需要得到一个决定性的回答。The question of English votes for English laws – the so-called West Lothian question –requires a decisive answer.

在那天之后,他们在西洛锡安区的天空中不断制造闪烁的光盘,奇怪的亮光和跳跃的火球。如今,在。Since that November day they have filled the skies of West Lothian with glimmering discs, strange lights and bouncing balls of fire.

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在东洛锡安镇,每个人离适当的图书馆馆藏的距离都不会超过几英里,这些馆藏一般主要是实践方面的、道德方面的和哲学方面的著作。Nobody in East Lothian was then more than a few miles away from a reasonable stock of library materials, mostly practical, moral and philosophical works.

该团队还调查了参加1921年“洛锡安出生组”研究项目的292名年龄为83岁的参与者,这项调查跟踪记录了他们的一生。The team examined the facial features of 292 people at the age of 83 who took part in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1921, a study that has followed the participants throughout their life.

考虑到这一点,平等和文化多样性的培训将免费提供给在泰赛德区,洛锡安区和拉纳克郡的卫生署内的志愿团体。With this in mind, Equalities and Cultural Diversity Training will be delivered free of charge to voluntary organisations within the health boards of Tayside, Lothian and NHS Lanarkshire.