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伊朗非一个民主主义国野。Iran is a democratic country.

他作风民主。He has a democratic work-style.

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民主党的说法本该是怎样的呢?What should the Democratic story be?

他们是谦逊和**的。They are unpretentious and democratic.

耶!我成了民主程序的一部分了!Yay! I'm part of the democratic process!

刚果民主共和国北基武省North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

他们誓为争取民主权利而斗争。They pledged to fight for democratic rights.

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民主自由已经受到削弱。So that democratic freedom has been curtailed.

他们在自由、民主的法兰西审查小说!They censor novels in free, democratic France!

但一些民主的缺陷却没有得到弥补。But several democratic flaws were left unfixed.

他们曾承诺建立一个民主的利比亚。They have promised to build a democratic Libya.

他们也是民主主义领导的基础。They are also�the basis of democratic leadership.

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这是阿富汗第二次民主选举。This is the country’s second democratic election.

他的民主党对手是阿德莱史蒂文森。His Democratic Party opponent was Adlai Stevenson.

是一位来自纽约的民主党众议院女议员。K. G. is a Democratic congresswoman from New York.

旅游的新纪元同时也是十分民主的纪元。The new age of travel is also sturdily democratic.

我们要努力培养民主作风。We must try to develop a democratic style of work.

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再如民主集中制也是我们的优越性。Democratic centralism is another of our advantages.

民主选举,有利于督促干部保持清正廉洁。Democratic election urges officials to keep honest.

这一点反映了氏族的民主制度。It reveals the democratic constitution of the gens.