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我能单脚跳。I can hop.

快点,跳上来。Come on, hop up.

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单腿跳向门。Hop to the door.

在沙发上跳几下。Hop up on the couch.

后来我终于发现了希望的曙光。Thn I found a ray of hop.

当我单脚跳,我就有希望。When I hop , I have hope.

穿上我的睡衣并跳到床上。Put on my PJs and hop into bed.

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瞪羚在奔跑时不时地齐足跳行。Gazelles often hop when running.

跳上货车变成个流浪汉?Hop a freight and become a hobo?

我整理一下飞行座椅然后坐了上去。I preflight the seat and hop in.

让我跳上去,和你骑一匹马吧。Let me hop on the horse with you.

搭上水上巴士,饱览城市风光Hop On a Water Taxi, Tour the City

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这游戏要求每人都得单足跳行。The game asks everyone to hop along.

蹦蹦跳跳的,别理会那滑稽的模样。Skip and hop. Ignore the funny looks.

那么盲蛇是如何在不同大陆间“跳跃”的呢?So how did the snakes hop continents?

我刷了牙,跳进淋浴,满身都是瘀伤。I brush my teeth and hop in the shower.

当我开始单足跳,我就不能停下了。I just can't stop. When I start to hop.

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他可以跳过地图上的烈风峡谷之类障碍。Barbarian can hop across gaps on the map.

随上随落的公共汽车服务真好。The Hop on Hop off bus service was great.

到终点站了,请大家下车。Every one could hop out,it's the terminus.