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不知道丁力大叔那里怎么样了。Don't know big uncle of D dint how there.

这三天丁力谢谢大家了。The these 3 days D dint thanked everyone.

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他费了很大的劲终于爬到了顶。He reached the top by dint of great effort.

对了,丁力大叔,这是怎么回事?To, D dint huge uncle, is this what is the row?

浩轩父亲昨天的话,并没有打消常安的疑虑。HaoXuan father yesterday, dint bother Chang An doubts.

绿色食品的净化力很高。The decontamination dint of the green food is very high.

井上靖借助孔子来积极为世界和平而呐喊。Inoue Yasushi calls on the World Peace by dint of Confucius.

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他就是这样以极大的耐心建立了一支武工队。By dint of great patience, he built up an Armed Working Team.

我凭借未知的魅力征服过其他的人。I had triumphed over others by dint of some unknowable charm.

即使陆军作战不力,也可以乘船撤回来。Even if the militia battles dint no, also can by ship withdraw.

丁力大叔,丁香,别急,这里还有。D dint the big uncle, the purple, don't urgently still have here.

它希望通过借助公众反馈来增进其互用性。It’s hoping to advance interoperability by dint of public review.

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男主看着女主别打肿的小脸很是心疼。Men look at the Japanese dint hit swollen face is very distressed.

于是一记重击使我脚步迟缓,在我奔跑并消隐于暮霭中之前。So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together with dusk.

谭睿玲说什么都不走,钟离生气的打了她一巴掌。Tan Ruiling said what all dint go, clock from angry gave her a slap.

该机动力源由灌装封口机提供。It's mobile dint source turn to filling and sealing machine offering.

他们凭仗着顽强不屈的精神克服了重重困难。They overcame all kinds of difficulties by dint of an indomitable spirit.

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那位科学家不懈努力,终于在癌症研究上开辟了一条蹊径。By dint of hard work, the scientist blazed a trail in the study of cancer.

旻皓打翻了菜肴,向夏婵表示不希望再见到她。Min hao knocked over the dishes, told Xia Chan dint want to see her again.

所以,丁力大叔,今后的你的修炼也不能停止。So, D dint big uncle, aftertime's your self-discipline cans not stop, either.