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公开课程有版权吗?Are open courses copyrighted?

学员对课程很受落。The courses were well received.

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在国外如何选课呢?How to select the courses abroad?

我们为什么要开设这样两门课呢Why do we have these two courses?

下桁大横帆和中桅帆均已扬起。The courses and top sails are set.

行星沿轨道运行。The planets roll on their courses.

因此我们有用来上很多课的大教室。So we have a large roll of courses.

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船只循著北斗星探索起伏的海洋。Through courses of the sea rolling.

你有无修过英文方面的课程?。Did you take any courses in English?

我所有的荣誉学位课程成绩都是A。I got A's in all my honours courses.

这学期课程什么时候开始?When do courses begin this semester?

你为何想报读这些课程?Why do you want to take mese courses?

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这次期中考,你总共考几科?How many of the courses have midterms?

你为何想报读这些课程?Why do you want to take these courses?

她工作勤奋的学术课程。She works diligent on academic courses.

他甚至还参加了军事学院的一些课程。He even took courses at the War College.

他学过很多汽牟维修的课程。He learned many car maintenance courses.

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我经常去学习必须住校的暑期课程。I often go on residential summer courses.

该项目每学期开设20门课程。Twenty courses are offered each semester.

伯克利的词曲创作课程真是超赞的!Berklee's songwriting courses are amazing!