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悲剧片?Tragedy piece?

这一乐章就结束了。That piece is over.

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删除发泡胶一块。Remove Styrofoam piece.

这有一根粉笔。Here's a piece of chalk.

我们需要分一杯羹。We need a piece of that.

再来一块馅饼吧?A man-sized piece of pie.

这些样书打折扣出售。A sample piece of fabric.

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他割下了一段电线。He nicked a piece of wire.

钱在这儿,一枚值十五个苏的钱。Here's a fifteen-sou piece.

价格是每个25便士。The price is 25p the piece.

你能尝一块馅饼吗?Could you go a piece of pie?

适用直角型加工件之倒角。Fit for vertical work piece.

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他把这块木头弯成弧形。He curved the piece of wood.

我刚读了一条新闻。I just read a piece of news.

好,最后一段数学。Now, one last piece of math.

以上就是来自莫扎特的选段。So that's a piece of Mozart.

选出此曲的名称。State the name of the piece.

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那来片面包吗?What about a piece of bread?

你是如何弹奏这篇作品的?How do you finger this piece?

对我来说,小菜一碟。It is a piece of cake for me.