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再就是全球化的因素。And then there’s globalization.

全球主义与全球一体化?Globalism versus globalization?

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这是一个全球化的进程。It is a process of globalization.

那么,全球化又意味着什么呢?But what do we mean by globalization?

你怎么看待全球化?What do you think about globalization?

如何看待全球化的影响?How to view the impact of globalization?

全球化的艺术是一种微妙的艺术。The art of globalization is a subtle one.

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还有比这更好的全球化主题曲吗?What better theme music for globalization?

经济全球化具有“双刃剑”效应。Economic globalization has " skean" effects.

但是,其全球化之路异常坎坷。However, the road to globalization pitiable.

全球化是当今世界的潮流。Globalization is the tide of the world today.

全球化将如何影响民族独立国家?How will globalization affect the nation-state?

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这是受全球化影响的另一个趋势。This is another trend influenced by globalization.

经济全球化是我们这个时代的大趋势。Economic globalization is a big trend of our times.

我们认为,全球化是一把“双刃剑”。We hold that globalization is a double-edged sword.

但对韩国人来说,全球化仍是一条单行道。Yet to Koreans, globalization was a one-way street.

下一个全球化的时代还未成形。The next ear of globalization has yet to take shape.

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就是人才当地化。Globalization is the localization of skilled talents.

全球化是业务增长的新领域。Globalization is the new frontier in business growth.

对很多美国人来说,全球化已够让他们焦心了。For many Americans, globalization is unsettling enough.