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门当啷一声打开了。The door opened with a heavy clang.

伐木丁丁。Clang, clang goes the woodman's axe.

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他扔掉工具时有铿锵的撞击声。There was a clang as he dropped the tools.

的铛铛声惊动了全村的人。The clang of the firebell alarmed the village.

火警铃的叮当声惊动了全村的人。The clang of the firebell alarmed the village.

我一听他这么问,眼泪哗的一下就流了下来。I heard him asking, tears streaming down on clang.

门在背后咣当一响,我就离开了。The gate gave a metal clang and I left the building.

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对此不少官员态度鲜明言词铿锵。Bright to manner of this not little officer one's words clang.

当庄严的风琴,或者合唱队,或整个乐团,演奏完了。After the clang or of organ majestic, or chorus, or perfect band.

在他们身后,巨型铁门阖上,“锵”的一声巨响。Behind them, the great iron doors closed with a resounding clang.

sfinae和可见性检查铛与GCC与开发——这是正确的吗?SFINAE and visibility-checking in Clang vs. GCC vs. MSVC -- which is correct?

司闸喊道,呼一声打开了车门。火车正驶入一个拥挤的车场,站台上响彻着生活的嘈杂和热闹。They were rushing into a more crowded yard, alive with the clatter and clang of life.

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这朵野花,从很久以前,已成为我们心目中最灿烂盛放的玫瑰。She is a wildflower, yet, she has already become one clang rose in our hearts long ago.

做铿锵促进短裤加上数字面值整数ARM目标?Does Clang promote shorts to integers when combined with number literals on ARM targets?

周围闹市的嘈杂声只能隐约地听到。偶然传来一声钟声,像音乐一样悠远。The hum of the surrounding city was faint, the clang of an occasional bell was as music.

在MSN上这锵锵有力的宣言,道出了无数网友的心声。On MSN this clang clangs strong enunciative, spoke the aspirations of countless netizens.

越过人群,我听到一辆慢车驶过道口时的的信号声。Above the crowd I hear the clang of a crossing signal as a slow train rolls along the tracks.

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那么LLVM,抑或,目前的Clang,是苹果平台演进的长期策略吗?Is Apple's work on LLVM, and now, Clang part of a longer-term strategy for evolving its platform?

跟着当的一响,掷来的长剑刺中了他胸膛,长剑落地。Then the liveried swordman 's thrown sword hit his chest with a loud clang and fell to the ground.

通常你实施了一个头部打击,你会看到敌人的头盔伴随着质感的铿锵声高高飞起。Often when you get a headshot, you'll see your enemy'shelmet go flying, accompanied by a satisfying metal clang sound.