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凯蒂吃肥肉不消化。Katie can't digest fat.

麦格达,这是我的朋友凯蒂。Magda, this is my friend, Katie.

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卡蒂将车开过一辆校车。Katie drove on past a school bus.

你叫凯特吧,你来回答吧Help me out. It's Katie. Is that right?

凯蒂无法克服她的惧高症。Katie couldn't overcome her fear of heights.

显然,凯蒂不仅仅是我们的姐姐。Clearly, Katie was not just our older sister.

丹和凯蒂跟他们走到车站。Dan and Katie walked to the station with them.

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把麦克风递给凯特,穿绿上衣的女士The woman in green, let's get a mike to Katie.

凯蒂·穆尔获得了最佳女侧骑手奖。Katie Moore took the ladies' side-saddle award.

凯蒂·赫尔姆斯显然也不再接拍电影。And Katie Holmes apparently stopped making movies.

而凯蒂,正坐在他们边上,为我喝彩。Katie is sitting right beside them, cheering me on.

那女人点头拿起卡蒂的电话。The woman nodded and took the cellphone from Katie.

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现在,每周五的早晨女儿都会和我共进早餐。Katie and I meet for breakfast on Friday mornings now.

穿绿色衣服的卡蒂来回答一下,大声说出来Yeah, can we get Katie who's in green there, shout out.

卡蒂打回轮儿,她们掉头沿路开回去。Katie turned the wheel and they headed back down the road.

与此同时,凯蒂绝不能取代约翰尼的弗朗西。At the same time, Katie can never replace Johnny for Francie.

狱长逼问护士Katie,为何医务室的门没有锁。Pope grills nurse Katie about the infirmary door being unlocked.

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如果她喜欢我的什么东西,我就知道这样东西一定很好看,”凯蒂说。If she likes something of mine, I know it’s good, ” Katie admits.

艾布拉姆斯首先告诉了他的妹妹凯蒂。The first person Mr. Abrams told about her was his sister, Katie.

像凯蒂·霍尔姆斯一样下颌有棱角的人,眉型柔和是关键。For someone with an angular jaw like Katie Holmes, Softness is key.