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他们都是勇敢的士兵。They are all dauntless soldiers.

欢迎勇于探索的读者回到我们的系列文章中!Welcome back, dauntless readers.

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当无知的时候,是无畏的。When ignorance when, it is dauntless.

我大胆地将金属号角在我的唇边放好。Dauntless the slug-horn to my lips I set.

俄而白鹤展翅凌空,冲人霄汉。Eer volley crane wings, red people dauntless.

海明威塑造出许多“硬汉子”的形象。Hemingway portrays many "the dauntless man" image.

那些都是天不怕地不怕的硬汉子。Those are certainly possessed of dauntless courage.

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他不屈不挠的坚韧让他绝无恐惧。His dauntless fortitude makes him absolutely fearless.

中国人民所以要进行百年不屈不挠的斗争。The Chinese people waged a dauntless struggle for one hundred years.

社会实践也使我越来越严格和大无畏的。The social practice also made me more and more scrupulous and dauntless.

铁骨铮铮,我们在火辣辣的太阳下不屈不挠,认真练习。With strong mind, we are dauntless and practicing hard in the torrid sun.

面对死亡,他仰天大笑,这是何等的大无畏精神。Facing the death, he has a good laugh, this is the what kind dauntless spirit.

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作者将小说中的主人公描绘成一个大无畏的英雄。The author characterized the leading character in the novel as a dauntless hero.

所以我的想念一如从前一样是一种无畏的想念。Therefore I thought of a like past was one kind of dauntless thinking of equally.

机舱里零零星星地分布着人。他们都是不怕死的中国人。The compartment was dispersed with people. They were all dauntless Chinese people.

树是硬汉子,无须维护,“冻死迎风站,饿死不弯腰”。Dauntless man is the tree, not protect, "cold wind stops, starvation does not stoop."

一些安分的在看书,而大胆的在桌上“打球”。But those dauntless was not so obedient, they were playing 'table-tennis' on their desk.

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他们无所畏惧,迎着风暴、困难和挫折,勇往直前。They are dauntless and brave pressing forward in the storm of difficulties and setbacks.

受惊的水手们想掉头回去,但他们勇敢的领导却激励他们继续航行。The frightened sailors wanted to turn back, but their dauntless leader urged them to sail on.

冬天是春天无畏的先锋,友好是和谐最好的展示。Just like winter is the dauntless vanguard of spring, Friendship is the best demonstration of harmony.