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他讲话浊声浊气的。He speaks in a deep and raucous voice.

壳牌广告牌抵制运动愈演愈烈。The Shell-sign resistance movement grew strong and raucous.

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聆听鹩哥吵闹的叫声,一对对交相辉映。Listen to the raucous cry of a grackle and its mate's answering call.

集合所有光棍朋友一起度过这个华丽喧闹的夜晚吧。Get your other single friends together and have a raucous fun night out.

没有任何东西以粗哑刺耳的嗓音拢乱这完美的和谐。Nothing swaggered with a raucous noise to disarrange the perfect harmony.

有一天晚上我走进院子,听到喧闹的笑声和歌声。As I entered our courtyard one night, I heard raucous laughter and singing.

经过了漫长的、创造历史的竞选活动,他们完全有资格举行热闹的庆祝仪式。After a long, history-making campaign, they had every right to their raucous celebration.

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沿着蛮荒的大平洋海岸,喧闹的海鸥和鸬鹚守卫着晒太阳的海狮。Along the wild Pacific coast, gulls and cormorants stand raucous guard above basking sea lions.

和其他黑人教堂一样,三一教堂的礼拜充满喧闹的笑声,不时还有些荤秽的打趣。Like other black churches, Trinity's services are full of raucous laughter and sometimes bawdy humor.

曾经作为海港的冰岛首都雷克雅维克一度豪车满街,高级商店鳞次栉比,派对似乎永远不停歇。Reykjavík, once a quaint seaport, hummed with fancy cars, upscale shopping and a raucous party scene.

店铺的窗户里闪着灯光,他们走近三把扫帚酒吧时,听到了沙哑的叫喊声。Lights twinkled from windows over shops and as they neared the Three Broomsticks they heard raucous shouting.

敖德萨人是乌克兰比较爱讲笑话的,他们别具风格的用喧嚣的幽默节日来庆祝4月的愚人日。Odessans are the jokers of Ukraine, who celebrate April Fool's Day in style with the raucous Humorina festival.

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一旦孩子们突然跳下来,游戏立刻完全变成了一场喧闹的摔跤和相互瘙痒。Once the kids have been bucked off, the game generally dissolves into a raucous bout of wrestling and tickling.

然而,从广场四面八方向外走去,你会发现自己走进了一个灯红酒绿的花花世界。Walk away from the square in any direction, however, and soon you find yourself amid a raucous riot of commerce.

在面包店,家庭妇女法塔玛看着眼前挤成一团的顾客,无可奈何地叹了口气。Back at the bakery, Fatma sighs as she stares at the raucous crowd pushing and shoving to get closer to the front.

香港尤其是其湾仔区长期以来都是美国海军停靠和修整的常规港口。Hong Kong, especially its raucous Wanchai bar district, has long been a regular port of call for resting U.S. sailors.

他称自己当时被强迫即兴演说,只有这样,反对派议员才不会在混杂的辩论中打断他。He said he was forced to speak impromptu so that opposition lawmakers couldn't interrupt him during the raucous debate.

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添加了调味伏特加、果浆,甚至培根粒的“女士马提尼”在放着吵闹音乐的喧闹酒吧中成为“主角”。Frou-frou-tinis featuring flavored vodka, fruit purees, even bacon bits have become common in raucous bars with loud music.

这些临时拼凑的活动盛行于金斯敦的公园里、街道上,随之而来的是巨型喇叭、喧嚣舞蹈以及快乐无限。These rough and tumble affairs take over Kingston's parks and streets with huge speakers, raucous dancing and plenty of fun.

已经撂下百叶窗的酒吧外面,聚着一群游手好闲的人,倾听着他们那个塌鼻梁的工头用急躁刺耳的沙声讲着妙趣横生的故事。Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a tale which their brokensnouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour.