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他把我吓坏了。He terrified me.

但是,这也吓坏了我们。But it also terrified us.

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它完全吓到我了。It absolutely terrified me.

那孩子吓得欲哭不能。The terrified child ran home.

大臣们简直怕得要命。Ministers are simply terrified.

一想到这我就后怕。The thought of it terrified me.

那过山车真把我吓坏了。That roller coaster terrified me.

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雷暴天气使孩子受到了惊吓。The thunderstorm terrified the child.

费勒的确被诊断结果吓坏了。News of the diagnosis terrified Feiler.

当地人民被恐怖惊吓着。The local people were terrified by terror.

但是,他们惊怕得都入睡不了。But they were too terrified to fall asleep.

森林中的动物惊恐的四散奔逃。Terrified animals flee before the onslaught.

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如果她这样想,那孩子可得吓坏了。If she believed that, she would be terrified.

小学生们都吓哭了。The students all burst into tears, terrified.

小学生们被吓得魂不附体。The pupils were terrified out of their senses.

他笑盈盈的向我走来,可能也很害怕。He approached, grinning, probably terrified too.

我的姐姐比较大,吓得直哭。My sister, who was older, was terrified and wept.

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检察员看到可怕的景象吓了一跳。The inspector was terrified at the terrible scene.

哈曼在王和王后面前就甚惊惶。Then Haman was terrified before the king and queen.

特丽莎一阵恐慌,担心他再也不能走路。Tereza was terrified that he would never walk again.