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面试,你今天走运了,我是面试官,来吧,来根烟怎么样?You are lucky today. I am the interviewer.

每个面试官都会有一个侧重点。Each interviewer will have an area of focus.

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采访者把她追问得很窘。The interviewer had driven her into a corner.

名人访谈记者盖尔·墨菲说道,“好莱坞觉得什么重要?Huge!" said celebrity interviewer Gayl Murphy.

爱吹牛的人是最差劲的面试官。The worst kind of interviewer is the blowhard.

当我手递表格给面试官时。When I handed over the form to the interviewer.

一封快速邮件送给面试官,就足够了。A quick email for the interviewer is sufficient.

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不要试图欺瞒面试官或者和面试官斗智斗勇Don't try to outwit or outguess the interviewer.

如何在10秒钟内打动面试官?How to impress the interviewer within 10 seconds?

如果你认为面试很成功,也不要对面试官追得太紧。If all has gone well, don't stalk the interviewer.

请面试官解释一下他到底意在何方,想问什么。Ask the interviewer to explain what he or she means.

采访的人没等客人把那句话说完就打断了他的话。The interviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence.

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"你是说撒哈拉大沙漠吧。"面试者回道。"You mean the Sahara Desert, " said the interviewer.

不要聊天,不然你的面试官将会失去兴趣。Do not ramble or your interviewer could lose interest.

观察面试官,去迎合他/她的风格和节奏。Observe your interviewer and match that style and pace.

面试的感觉有点像古代皇帝选妃。She tried to make a good impression on the interviewer.

采访人员想用他的问题使我露出破绽。The interviewer tried to trip me up with his questions.

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面试她的是个小个子男人,一副疲惫的面容。The Interviewer was a small man with a tired expression.

通过将问题丢回给面试官来争取时间。Buy time by turning the question back to the interviewer.

如果该位雇主坚持要你给出一个数字,那就给一个大概的范围。If the interviewer presses you for anumber, give a range.