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很逼真的。那蛇纹很像真的。、。It's so lifelike. That's real snake.

他画的马很传神。The horse he painted is very lifelike.

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桥栏上还雕有四只栩栩如生的石狮。On top of the bridge are4 lifelike stone lions.

这种图像与实物大小相同但并不逼真。The images are life-size yet not truly lifelike.

他画的奔马,栩栩如生,极其神似。The galloping horses he paints are extremely lifelike.

他画的奔马栩栩如生。The galloping horses he painted are extremely lifelike.

是为天下第一的灵岩泥塑,个个有血有肉,活灵活现。The Lingyan clay sculptures there are vivid and lifelike.

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该书中的人物写得有血有肉。The portrayal of the characters in the novel is lifelike.

这个栩栩如生的机器宠物能看到,听到并感觉到你的触摸。THIS lifelike robotic pet can see, hear and feel your touch.

他们因对事物的描绘几乎接近真实而出名。They are famous for the lifelike reality of their paintings.

该套茶具用青花工艺打造了逼真旗袍效果,展现旗袍素净雅致的形象。This tea set up process with blue dress, lifelike cheongsam effect of refined.

一些电影尝试制作逼真的动画,但都失败了。Several movies have tried and failed to generate lifelike animations of humans.

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二极管蘑菇灯这些栩栩如生的发光蘑菇是由玻璃,木头和小灯做成的。LED Mushroom Lamps Lifelike glowing mushrooms made of glass, wood and led lights.

我真的很喜欢将图片环境和生活化的声音并置的方式。I really like the juxtaposition of the graphic environment and the lifelike sounds.

QQ头像…只需不到一分种,栩栩如生的人物造型将从你的手下诞生。QQ produced only less than a minute, lifelike figures from your modeling his birth.

塔旁新筑一座罗汉阁,塑有500罗汉,各具神态,栩栩如生。Build a new tower next to Ocean Club, 500 plastic Lohan , with expression, lifelike.

你在博物馆看到的逼真的动物模型是剥制师创作的。The lifelike models of animals that you see in museums are the work of taxidermists.

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你在博物馆中看到的生动的动物标本都是剥制师的作品。The lifelike models of animals that you see in museums are the work of taxidermists.

我特别喜欢那个弥勒佛雕像,圆圆的脑袋,对着我们哈哈大笑,真是栩栩如生。I especially like the statue of maitreya, round head, for a good laugh, we is lifelike.

形状奇特,图案清晰,层次分明,雄伟高大,气势磅礴,惟妙惟肖。Strange shapes and designs is clear, distinct, majestic great momentums , tall, lifelike.