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启蒙是一个很大的题目,也是当代学界研究的热点问题。Enlightenment is a charming theme, also a hotspot in nowdays" academe."

刑诉法再修改问题是当前学界关注的焦点问题。The re-amendment to the criminal procedure law is the focus of academe.

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对中国学界关于高句丽问题的新观点如何评价?。How to appraise the new viewpoints of Chinese academe on the problem of Koguryo?

他一生反封建,把思想寓于学术研究之中,道德文章在学术界有很大影响。He expresses his thought in academic research and has great influence in academe.

作为一个有影响的作家,目前学界对师陀的研究还不很充分。As an influential writer, study of his works isn't plenty in the contemporary academe.

在当前的意识形态领域里,学术界对“新蒙昧主义思潮”的泛起和蔓延给予了很大的关注。In modern ideology, the academe pays much attention to the rise and spread of "Neo-Obscurantism".

在学院里是如此重要的领域,弄得有资格的教育者空前短缺。It's such an up-and-coming field in academe that there is an actual shortage of qualified educators.

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分税制财政体制的改革是当前财政学界的热点和重点问题。The study on the system of tax distribution becomes the focus and difficult problem in fiscal academe.

到上海参加面试的学生被剑桥大学的面试官古怪的考法忽悠了一把。In Shanghai our students had an entertaining time dealing with the eccentricities of Cambridge academe.

近年来,学术界在这方面已引起了足够的重视,大量的研究成果层出不穷。In this day, the academe makes enough recognition with it and we can find a lot of research production.

大学研究院作为矩阵式学科组织结构的管理服务组织,对其进行管理、协调与服务。Academe is the service of the structure, it' s task is to manage, harmonize, serve the matrix structure.

后者和美国进行学术交流的愿望只怕比我们与他们交流的愿望更强烈。The latter group wants to engage with U. S. academe as much as or more than we want to engage with them.

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由于其具有高效、实用的特点,因此越来越受到学术界的重视。Because of its high efficiency and practicability, MOEA attaches more and more importance to the academe.

他一生创作了十四部散文集,但却没有得到我国学界应有的重视。He wrote 14 prose works during his lifetime, which didn't get the due attention from the Chinese academe.

中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立是当今学术界讨论的热点问题之一。The establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is a hot issue which is heated discussed in the academe.

同时由药膳用药引申出的一系列问题亦正引起学术界与有关方面的关注和重视。Some problems caused by the medicated diets, have been recognized in the academe and other fields concerned.

唐湜是一位九叶诗派诗人,该派在学术界被称作智性现代派。Tang Shi is one of the poets in the school of JiuYe, which is called Modern Brightness School in the academe.

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作为一种广泛流行于当今西方社会的哲学文化思潮,后现代主义在国内学界也引起广泛关注。As a fashionable but cryptical term from the west, Postmodernism is also paid close attention in domestic academe.

你来自学界人脉丰富的小圈子家庭,将来能够为你找到一个职位。You come from that small class of well-connected people in academe who will be able to find a place for you somewhere.

招商局广州分局是招商局的重要分支机构之一,学术界对它的研究极为缺乏。Chambre de commerce in Canton was one important branch of Chambre de commerce, and research on it is scarce in academe.