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两个模块分别是jsinq.Enumerable和jsinq.Query。The two modules are jsinq.Enumerable and jsinq.Query. An example of a query is

返回当前目录中的目录信息的可枚举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of directory information in the current directory.

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返回与搜索模式匹配的文件信息的可枚举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of file information that matches a search pattern.

传回目前目录中档案系统资讯的可列举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of file system information in the current directory.

返回与指定参数匹配的所有内部文本的可枚举列表。Returns an enumerable list of all the inner text that matches the specified parameters.

这是一般可列举集合,可按群组名称或整数索引来索引。This is a normal enumerable collection, indexable by either group name and by integer index.

传回符合指定之搜寻模式的档案系统资讯的可列举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of file system information that matches a specified search pattern.

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从请求的属性集中返回单个环境属性信息项,具体情况视哪个属性是遇到的第一个属性而定。Returns an enumerable set of ambient property information items for the requested set of types and properties.

证明存在一个保持最大元1的可计算枚举高度的钻石格。It is shown that there exists a diamond of high computably enumerable degrees preserving the greatest element 1.

至于颜色类不提供任何可枚举集合或数组的颜色,反而暴露了属性的颜色。As Colors class does not provide any enumerable collection or array for colors, instead it exposes colors as properties.

本节将首先涉及一些枚举支持的技巧性部分,然后再真正地参考。This section will first cover some of the trickier aspects of the enumerable support and the actual reference will begin.

传回符合指定之搜寻模式和搜寻子目录选项的档案资讯的可列举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of file information that matches a specified search pattern and search subdirectory option.

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传回符合指定之搜寻模式和搜寻子目录选项的目录资讯的可列举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of directory information that matches a specified search pattern and search subdirectory option.

传回符合指定之搜寻模式和搜寻子目录选项的档案系统资讯的可列举集合。Returns an enumerable collection of file system information that matches a specified search pattern and search subdirectory option.

与枚举信息来源网上,互联网提供的,它帮助消费者做出节省数千美元和无数个小时的科研工作。With enumerable sources of information online that the Internet provides, it has helped consumers make and save thousands of dollars and countless hours of research.

从正则语言识别的角度证明了正则语言的识别系统确定有限自动机所识别的语言集是一个递归可枚举集,同时讨论了正则语言的可递归性。The theorem that the language set distinguished deterministic finite automaton is a recursively enumerable set was proved, and then, the recursiveness of regular language was analyzed.

当你用望远镜仰望天空的时候,可以看到数以万计的星星,让我们姑且称之为银河吧,在当时的人们看来就宛如我们今天,街道旁繁星点点的路灯一般。Enumerable stars I mean when you look through a telescope , lets say the milky way , because the milky way was much more visible for him than for us today with all the street lighting that we get.