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我并没有打算贬低他们的工作。I don’t mean to denigrate the work they’ve done.

不要作贱自己,也不要放弃自己。We should not denigrate or give up on ourselves.

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永远不要让你的配偶或你自己诋毁对方。Never allow your partner or yourself to denigrate the other.

毫无疑问,重用很有价值,我们也无意贬低重用的地位。No doubt, this is useful, and we don’t mean to denigrate reuse.

但即便如此,也不要急于不屑今天这一年一度的被玫瑰花所包围的爱意浓浓。Even so, don't be too quick to denigrate today's annual rose-tinted smooch.

这不应该被用来诽谤公共广播服务。This should not be used to denigrate the idea of public service broadcasting.

你不应该仅仅因为人们的信仰和你不同就诋毁他们。You shouldn't denigrate people just because they have different beliefs from you.

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你会对着客户大吼、当着别人的面诋毁他或是不分时候往他家打电话么?Would you yell at a client, denigrate him to others or call him at home at all hours?

有一次在台上我碰巧用到诋毁这个词,它没有引起任何的反应。One time I happened to use the word denigrate onstage, and it didn’t get any reaction.

对于大多数孩子来讲,没有什么比父母彼此诋毁,更加伤害孩子了。There is nothing worse, for most children, than for their parents to denigrate each other.

甚至当科比处在自己的篮球职业生涯巅峰期时,还是有些媒体试图诋毁他的成功。Even at the heights of his basketball career, there are those who seek to denigrate his success.

“我反对这项拆除计划,”一个长老说,“它会引起外界诋毁我们的教会的。”“I demur to the demolition idea,” said one elder. “It will cause outsiders to denigrate our church.”

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另一方面,请不要把和你观点不同的别国人民诽谤为法西斯。Otherwise, please do not denigrate people in other countries who have different views from yours as fascists.

同样的。如果我不同意中国人民的民族主义感情,我就是在试图摸黑中国。If I do not agree with 'the nationalistic feeling of the Chinese people' then I must be trying to denigrate China.

同时,对立的辉格党用OK这个词诋毁范•布伦的政治导师安德鲁•杰克逊。At the same time, the opposing Whig Party made use of "OK" to denigrate Van Buren's political mentor Andrew Jackson.

对这个行为的解释是,当你选这一粒时,为了表明你的选择是正确的,你会贬低第一次没选上的那粒。And the claim is that when you choose this, in order to justify your decision, you denigrate the one you didn't choose.

不过我们有需要去贬低过去的历史和人类,以把我们自身抬举到人类与动物成就的制高点。But we have a need to denigrate the past and its people, to put ourselves at the height of achievement, human and animal.

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所以奖励孩子是有隐患的,如果你给他们太多奖励,赋予他们的活动太多价值,他们就会贬低这个活动。And so, rewarding children has a danger, which is if you give them too much reward and too much a value for what they're doing they will denigrate the activity.

其次,公开信还要求“地方召会”与“水流职事站”宣布拒绝李常受对福音派各宗派与组织的基督徒的诋毁性言论。The letter also asks the "local churches" and Living Stream to renounce statements made by Lee that denigrate evangelical Christian denominations and organizations.

普拉特举办的以电死小狗为内容借此宣传交流电不安全,旨在诋毁这一新发明的公开演示活动中,操作开关的丽思。To electrocute held pratt puppy for content to publicity ac unsafe to denigrate the new invention, the public demonstrations activity, operation switch beautiful thoughts.