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单位长常常显示,拉特,偏差,黄道。Units Used to Display Long , Lat , Declination , Ecliptic.

一条在地球表面上连接磁偏为零的点的假想线。On the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zero.

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现在,你就可以得到衰落的太阳与未来的公式。Now you can get the declination of the sun with the next formula.

进行赤纬扫描时,可以把天线倾斜。Scanning in declination may be achieved by tilting the aerial system.

第四章分析两京胡寺衰落原因。Chapter Four analyze the relations for the foreign temples' declination.

地球的磁场、极光、磁偏角和地磁极倒转。Magnetic field, auroras , magnetic declination and magnetic field reversals.

初始焦点位置的赤纬,以度为单位。The declination of the initial focus position of the sky map, in decimal degrees.

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通过气相色谱分析,发现原油中烷烃组分发生变化,正构烷烃碳数分布曲线向轻组份方向移动。The GC-MS analysis also shows a declination of heavy normal alkane in the degraded oil.

本文要通过对市场上某些衰退品牌的研究,来找出品牌走向衰退的原因。In this thesis, I study some declined brands to find out some causes of the declination.

中老年记忆力减退,中医又称善忘、健忘。Memory declination in the middle and old aged people was called amnesia, forgetfulness in TCM.

医疗机构应该要求拒绝接种疫苗的人员提交书面申请。Healthcare facilities should require personnel who refuse vaccination to complete a declination form.

由于其自身的繁殖特点,恶搞一方面得以迅速蔓延,一方面亦难以为继,必然走向衰微。The characters of Kuso not only makes it propagates quickly hut also leads to its declination inevitably.

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这是逐渐临近冬至的一段时间,太阳的赤纬也是不断地缩小。At that time of year the winter solstice was coming, and the Sun was moving into a lower declination in the sky.

第三,从宗教融合与斗争角度深入分析了胡寺在唐朝兴衰的原因。Thirdly, the part four analyze the reasons of their declination in terms of the mixture and conflict of religions.

该方法以磁偏角和磁倾角作为匹配参数进行图匹配,获取粗位置信息。The scheme uses geomagnetic declination and geomagnetic inclination as matching parameters to acquire rough position.

“冰裂作用”是造成外墙风化和砖、砂浆强度降低的主要因素。Analysis shows that "ice crack" is the main factor causing wall weathering and strength declination of brick and mortar.

贾府的衰败过程和衰败原因是“康乾盛世”衰败凝缩和缩影。The declination and its reasons of the Jia's family condensed and epitomized those of the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong.

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经学衰落导致的直接后果,就是儒学地位的下降和它的社会作用的削弱。The direct effect of declination of classics is the declination of the Confucianism and the wane of its social function.

日本经济发展至今,随着地域不断向郊外扩展,市区中心的衰退现象日益严重。Along with the expanding of the urban area towards the suburb, the phenomenon of declination in downtown area grows severe.

井下工艺应用正常,但气井产水量有所下降,主要原因在于地层产水量降低。The downhole process works well, but water production is decreasing because of the declination of formation water production.