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他们需要一台推土机来挖出岩石。They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.

他亦因种种善行得到了“推土机”的美名。He won the nickname "Bulldozer" for good reason.

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这种型号旳推土机总重量是多少?What is the total weight of this kind of bulldozer?

一台推土机清除拉法口岸附近地道口的废墟。A bulldozer removes rubble near a tunnel entrance at Rafah.

一名小男孩在一台推土机的轮子里寻觅玩具。A young boy scavenges for toys in the wheels of a bulldozer.

也有机械,有推土机供整个地区使用。There would be one machine, one bulldozer for the entire area.

带有成角的犁板把土推到一边的一种推土机。A bulldozer with an angled mold board to push earth to one side.

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在这个戏剧性的场景上方,有一辆推土机正停在峡谷边缘。Above this tableau, at the lip of the ravine, a bulldozer idles.

突击破障战车其实是一辆加装类似推土机部件的重型坦克,它重达64吨,有42英尺长,这可个大家伙。Assault Breacher 64-ton, 42-foot-long spawn of tank and bulldozer.

一辆推土机或是一天的伐木都可能摧毁掉某个物种整个的栖息地。A single bulldozer or a day’s logging can destroy a species’ entire habitat.

徒有意志力不能移山,要有推土机才行。To move a mountain, having the will is not enough. You also need a bulldozer.

我能不用我的一生开推土机但是因为我想推你的。I can't run a bulldozer through my life just because I want to bulldoze yours.

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叙述了用现场动态测试手段测量东方红70T履带推土机作业外载荷的方法。The paper analyses the structural loads of working device for DFH-70T crawler bulldozer.

北京的澡堂子正在消失,能有几家逃脱强拆者的铲平?Beijing bathhouses have all but disappeared. Will the few survivors escape the bulldozer?

本文对SD7转向制动阀阀孔的数控加工工艺进行了研究。The thesis is the study of processing technology of steering brake valve forSD7 bulldozer.

TY165推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力机械传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。TY165 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type.

1推土机系半刚性悬挂、机械传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。T165-1 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type.

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当一台推土机拖着这头全长28英尺的鲸穿过岩石沙滩时,鲸血渐渐穿过鲸须而渗漏出来。Blood seeped through its baleen as a bulldozer dragged all 28 feet of it across the rocky beach.

TYS165-2湿地推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。TYS165-2 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, power shift, hydraulically controlled and track-type.

王志军猜测是一台推土机,响了大概5-6个小时。Wang guessed it was a bulldozer. He and his wife thought the noise went on for five or six hours.