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但是,马提亚不再出现,神已经选了保罗。However, Matthias is never mentioned again — God had already chosen Paul.

玛瑟亚斯被放逐了,然后巫妖王从五年的沉睡中醒了过来!Matthias is cast out and the Lich King awakens from his 5 year "slumber".

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于是选举两个人,就是那叫作巴撒巴又称呼犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚。And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias.

在梦中,玛瑟亚斯非常脆弱,而最终阿尔萨斯选择了追随耐奥祖。Matthias is also very weak and sick in the dream and Arthas makes the decision to follow Ner'zhul.

队Milram的马蒂亚斯拉斯背离博物馆广场为在阿姆斯特丹5月8日个人计时赛。Team Milram's Matthias Russ departs from Museum Square for the individual time trial in Amsterdam May 8.

该马提亚教堂是在布达佩斯的哥特式教堂是在13和15世纪建造。The Matthias Church is a Gothic-style church in Budapest that was built between the 13th and 15th centuries.

“我们期待一个高标准,以满足国外销售”,“说马蒂亚斯维斯曼,德国汽车工业协会的主席,在一份声明。"We expect a high standard to meet" of sales abroad, "said Matthias Wissmann, President of the VDA, in a statement.

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在生活中,马提亚·希勒一定是常磕磕碰碰,弄得身上青一块、紫一块的,不然他怎么会想到发明这样一个既可爱又实用的玩意儿。Matthias Hiller must have had a few knocks and bruises in his life to have come up with such a neat and useful product.

在耶稣复活之后,十一个门徒也是用祷告和抽签的方式来选出马提亚作使徒,来取代犹大的职位。After Jesus' resurrection, the 11 disciples, by praying and casting lots, decided that Matthias was God's choice to replace Judah.

69年前的今天那场比赛,是奥地利的悲情英雄马迪亚斯•辛德拉尔的国家队告别演出。It was 69 years ago today that Matthias Sindelar, the tragic hero of Austrian football, represented his country for the final time.

渔人堡和马提亚教堂在布达佩斯著名的旅游目的地,应该要为任何人认为该地区的新。Fisherman's Bastion and Matthias Church are popular tourist destinations in Budapest that should be must-sees for anyone new to the area.

假如有一个皇家防止残害蚂蚁协会的话,德国乌尔姆大学的马提亚·威特林格可能会首当其冲地成为其憎恨对象。IF THERE were a Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ants, Matthias Wittlinger of the University of Ulm, in Germany, would probably be top of its hate list.

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这本书,这是一个即时的畅销书,在欧洲,历史学家马蒂亚斯施密特交织与斯佩尔以前的同事,他自己采访的书面证据。In this book, which was an immediate best-seller in Europe, historian Matthias Schmidt interweaves documentary evidence with his own interviews with Speer's former colleagues.

在德国开姆尼斯技术大学,由马地亚斯·卢森博格领导的研究团队把测试的结果输入高能的计算机以改变测试的有效性。A team at the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, led by Matthias Rosenberger, has transformed the usefulness of the test by feeding its results into high-capacity computers.

诺布罗克-维斯特维克和合著者马提亚斯•哈斯塔尔研究了276位德国成年人,其中178人年龄在18岁到30岁之间,98人的年龄在55岁到60岁之间。Knoblock-Westerwick and her co-author Matthias Hastall, of Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Germany, studied 276 German adults, including 178 aged 18 to 30 and 98 between 55 and 60.