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绝经期前得乳腺癌的情况并不普遍。This disease is not common before menopause.

你对于荷尔蒙和绝经怎么看?What's your opinion about hormones and menopause?

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在更年期的超级食品博客上有很多评论。Great comments on the Superfoods for Menopause blog!

她现在是早期绝经,并且不孕。She is now in early menopause and infertile herself.

潮热症是更年期的一个普遍症状。Hot flashes are the most common symptom of menopause.

男性在更年期时会体重增加,更有魅力。With female menopause you gain weight and get hot flashes.

运动是怎样影响更年期的症状和体征?How does physical activity affect menopause signs and symptoms?

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如月经一向规律的妇女出现停经。If the menstruation always rule's woman presents the menopause.

出生时阳光和纬度影响生命后期的更年期症状。Sunlight and latitude at birth may affect menopause later in life.

黑升麻普遍举荐对更年期欧洲的年夜夫。Black Cohosh is widely recommended by European doctors for menopause.

女性通常到更年期后会有性冷感。A woman usually has weak sexual desires when she reaches her menopause.

期都是博士擅长的领域。Pregnancy, post-pregnancy, menopause – these are her areas of expertise.

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目的评价黄豆苷元胶囊治疗围绝经期综合症的有效性。Objective To evaluate the effect of daidzein capsules on menopause syndrome.

这的确是一个过渡的时期,一如更年期,或是刚当上爸妈的时期。It's a time of transition, just like the first year of parenthood or menopause.

方法选择围绝经期妇女进行性激素、血脂、红细胞流变性的测定。Methods Determine sex hormone, blood-lipid and red cell rheology of menopause women.

随看绝经雌激素的缺乏,病人出现以松质骨为主的骨加速丢失。An acceleration of bone loss begins along with estrogenic deficiency after menopause.

常喝金盏花茶也能帮助舒缓经期不顺几改善更年期的障碍。Regular drinking of Calendula tea also helps to ease Mentrual and menopause symptoms.

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不过大约有20%的带有脆弱X前突变基因的妇女要发生过早绝经。But up to 20 percent of women with fragile X pre-mutations undergo premature menopause.

受访女性的平均年龄为67岁,而大多数在55岁前就结束了更年期。The majority of the women, whose average age was 67, had undergone menopause before 55.

对于女性来说,在绝经期因为雌激素水平下降的原因,骨质会发生急剧流失。In women, bone loss increases dramatically at menopause due to dropping estrogen levels.