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请使用有效的香港邮政电子证书。Please use valid Hongkong Post e- Cert.

我们明天肯定可以出发。We'll be able to start tomorrow for a cert.

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你还没有安装证书或者安装了一个错误的证书。You haven't installed the cert, or have installed the wrong cert.

上述信息将显示在报告或证书上,请注意!The above information will be shown on the Cert. and report, please Noted!

他说,CERT做得几乎和专家一样好,但速度要稍快点。CERT works about as well as a human expert, he says, but it's a little faster.

也就是说,这份工作在获取认证方面无法给你任何帮助。That is, the job does not give you on-the-job training to help with your cert.

优美的舞姿也得到了学生的肯定。我们怎能不高兴啊!Graceful dancing carriage has also got student's dead cert. Our how energy is not happy!

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请注意你们还需要提供FSC或PEFC认证,以证明纸质的标准。Pls note you are also requested to provide the FSC or PEFC cert to prove the paper standard.

即使不支付员工认证费用,公司通常也会在工作期间提供准备认证考试所需的学习时间。Even companies that won't defer any expenses will often give you time at work to prepare for cert exams.

我们将只建造步行楼梯,取得消防安全证书后,延长的阁楼。We will only construct the staircase walk up the extended mezzanine floor after obtaining fire safety cert.

他同母异父的哥哥讨厌他,学校的人都欺负他,而他毫无悬念的惨淡前景就是下煤矿。His half-brother hates him, people at school bully him, and he has a pretty grim dead cert future down the mines.

获得CISSP和坚实的技术之后,拿个CISA,这是至尊的信息技术审核认证。After obtaining the CISSP and a solid technical cert , take the CISA. It is a well respected IT audit certification.

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我公司可组织船员参加专业培训合格证书、适任证书、特殊培训合格证的培训班。II. We could train crew to get cert of professional training, record book, cert of competency, cert of special training, etc.

在一些案例中,我们与被涉及网络钓鱼攻击的组织进行了直接联系,或者将这些攻击相关的数据转交给当地的应急响应组织。In some cases, organizations involved in phishing attacks were contacted directly, or the incident data was forward to the local CERT.

年轻活泼的格调,鲜嫩大块、金黄多汁的炸鸡,得到全国消费者的满意和肯定。Young lively style , fresh and tender Da Kuai , golden succulence fried chicken, satisfied and dead cert getting the whole nation consumer.

FLO技术证书股份有限公司是一个独立的国际认证公司为客户提供公正的认证服务多达70个国家。FLO- CERT GmbH is an independent International Certification Company offering Fair Trade Certification services to clients in more than 70 countries.

我公司可组织船员参加专业培训合格证书、适任证书、特殊培训合格证的培训班。II. We provide seaman training course also. Including cert. of professional training, record book, cert. of competency, cert. of special training, etc.

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这期间我的表现优秀,成长很快,短时间内,带团质量得了顾客的肯定,并可以洽谈一些小型业务。My behaviour excellent , grows up very quickly , lacks a time inner tyre, regiment mass having got customer's dead cert during this , can talk over a little minitype business and.

控制大众运输、银行、电力网路的电脑,以及连到网际网路的任何东西,这一大串电脑连成了无边无界的系统。The tapestries of machines that control transportation, banking, the power grid and virtually anything connected to the Internet are all unbounded systems, observes CERT researcher David A.

分析了它在实际使用中存在缺少策略一致性检查、低效的策略协商过程等问题,在原有结构的基础上,增加集中的安全策略管理机制,较好的解决了SPS存在的安全和效率问题。At the same time, the concentrated security policy management mechanism is increased based on the structure of IETF SPS, which can resolve the security and efficiency problems SPS has in a cert.