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老秦抹了把脸上的雨水。Laoqin wiping the face rain.

他正用破布揩着双手。He was wiping his hands on a rag.

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擦,抹,揩擦的行为或事例。The act or an instance of wiping.

抹布擦脏了要用清水洗净。Wiping the dirty cloth used to wash water.

软防风抓绒拇指抹面。Soft windproof fleece wiping surface on thumb.

有一个人戴着帽子站在梯子上刷墙。A man with a cap was wiping the wall on a ladder.

同时也准备足够的软布用来擦拭。Have plenty of soft wiping clothes ready as well.

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你是否能在进房间之前擦一擦你的脚?。Would you mind wiping your feet before you come in?

只是擦了干布就能够恢复光泽。Just wiping with a dry cloth can restore the shimmer.

浪漫是我哭的时候你会帮我擦眼泪。Romance is my cry when you will help me wiping tears.

她忙的不可开交,把手放在围裙上擦了又擦。She came bustling out, wiping her hands on her apron.

人群中有人一边抹去泪水,一边跟着唱起来。In the crowd, some people sang along, wiping away tears.

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“真热得讨厌,”乔擦着额头的汗,嚷道。"This heat is stifling, " said Joe, wiping his forehead.

他一边站起来一边说道,拍掉身上的塑料片。He said as he got up, wiping plastic pieces from his body.

从风险回报比来看,我比别人都强很多。On a reward-to-risk basis I was wiping everybody else out.

在彻底擦除前确认和选择信息。Verify and select information before irretrievable wiping.

她会在沙滩上为海鸟们抹走羽毛上的油污。That's her on the beach wiping oil off the sea-birds' feathers.

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拔除脚骨后、心包引沈管。After wiping out foot bone, the pericardium direct the Shen tube.

今天,我擦屁股的时候把手臂肌肉拉伤了…Today, I pulled a muscle in my arm while wiping my own butt. FML.

是的,它对清除阻塞毛孔的粉尘和油脂很有效。Yeah, it's pretty effective in wiping out pore-clogging dirt and oil.