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博爱和谐海归群在上海已经建立起一个强大的社交网络。The returnee group has already set up a strong network in Shanghai.

第一章,探讨“归来者”的反思和记忆。Chapter one shows the memory and thinking of history of the Returnee.

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这项政策并没有清楚表明什么是高水平的归国人员。This policy doesn't specify what kind of returnee qualifies as "high-level".

“海归有中国当地人没有的知识和经历,”他讲道。"A returnee brings knowledge and experience that a local Chinese does not," he says.

早些时候回国的一名战俘从丹佛的一个经销商处弄到了一辆崭新的考文特牌汽车,一个月后,这车就撞得无法修理了。An earlier POW returnee was given a new Corvette by a Denver dealer and totaled it the next month.

请明示每个包裹里面的东西和价值以及退还者的名字和地址。Please state clearly the contents and value of each one, and the name and address of the returnee.

但是最关键的回归莫过于斯科特,他看起来才是那些天才们的联系纽带。But the key returnee is likely to be Byron Scott, who seems to have a genuine connection to his point god.

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如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多,海归也不像原来那样吃香了。Nowadays as increasing numbers of people study abroad, the overseas returnee are not so popular as before.

上海传奇人力资源月度聚会和海归聚会于8月20日星期六联合举行。Shanghai Legend human resources monthly event and returnee gathering are jointly held on Saturday August 20.

上海传奇人力资源月度聚会和海归聚会于10月29日星期六联合举行。Shanghai Legend human resources monthly event and returnee gathering are jointly held on Saturday October 29.

正文第二部分,“山西省回国留学人员科研基金资助人员群体指标分析”。The second section is about "population index analysis for researchers overseas returnee research fund funds".

福建华侨农场也和国内绝大部分华侨农场一样,面临着各种各样的发展的困境。As a famous hometown of Overseas Chinese, Fujian was one of the places most Overseas Chinese returnee farms located.

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两个情况下,其余成员已经开始进行,返回着必须迅速跟上。In both cases, the rest of the group had already begun working and the returnee had to be brought up to speed quickly.

正文第三部分,“山西省回国留学人员科研基金资助的成就与启示”。The thrid section is about "achievements and inspiration of subsidizing of overseas returnee research fund in Shanxi province".

与预期相反,回流科学家的研究水平并不明显高于本土培养的同行,这主要由于中国并未吸引到海外一流的华人科学家。Contrary to expectation, returnee scientists' performance was no higher than those without much overseas experience, mainly because China didn't attract the best of overseas scientists to return.