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阿尔伯特何许人也?Albert who?

艾伯特笑道。Albert laughed.

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艾伯特坐在罗杰的旁边。Albert sat down next to Roger.

他的名字叫亚伯特?史怀哲。His name is Albert Schweitzer.

我租了阿尔伯特夫人的一间房。I rent a room from Mrs Albert.

小天是个怎样的人?What kind of person is Albert?

亚伯特布列曼是谁?Who the hell is Albert Brennaman?

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小天是个正直的、有原则的人。Albert has integrity and principles.

小阿尔伯特原本喜欢老鼠。Little Albert originally liked rats.

那个胸口带上挂个表链的家伙是谁?Who's the guy with the Albert chain?

“阿而波特能出来玩吗”他问道。"Can Albert come out to play?" he asks.

你怎麽拿到我名片的?How'd you get my card?- Albert Brennaman.

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阿黛尔皇家艾伯特大厅演唱会。Adele. Live. At. The. Royal. Albert. Hall.

艾伯特韦尔斯淘气而轻快地微笑起来。Albert wells gave his sly, birdlike smile.

艾伯特烤的这个蛋糕非常好吃。This cake Albert baked is quite palatable.

艾伯特穿着棕色绒面夹克和牛仔裤。Albert wore a brown suede jacket and jeans.

「教授,我的名字叫做艾尔伯特.爱因斯坦。“Sir, my name is Einstein, Albert Einstein.?

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咱们上楼去告诉艾伯特姨父和杰基。go upstairs and tell Uncle Albert and Jackie.

艾伯特停下来并用手蒙住了眼睛。Albert stopped and put his hand over his eyes.

阿尔贝得意扬扬地穿着他那件小丑服装。Albert was triumphant in his harlequin costume.