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你是喜欢下雪天还是喜欢晴天呢?Snowy or sunny?

是一个下雪天。It's a snowy day.

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它是又冷又有雪的。It's cold and snowy.

这是皮质激素和雪。It is coid and snowy.

今天多么冷,雪又多么大!What a cold snowy day!

在下雪天滑雪。Go skiing on a snowy day.

我非常喜欢下雪天。I like snowy days very much.

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那天下着雪,很冷。It was a cold and snowy day.

下面是白雪皑皑的群峰。There are snowy peaks above.

它的羊毛白如雪。Its fleece is white as snowy.

雪团儿是一只顶聪明的小北极熊。Oh yes, Snowy was very smart.

天气冷并且有雪。The weather is cold and snowy.

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雪色犹增芳草碧。Snowy color makes grass greener.

天气又是下雾又是下雪。The weather was foggy and snowy.

他在一个下着雪的夜晚来看我。He came to see me one snowy night.

我是从飘雪的北方渡洋过海的老师。While i'm a teacher from snowy North.

在下雪天,穿鲜艳的衣服。In snowy weather, wear bright clothing.

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哪些是你喜爱的冰皮月饼种类?。Your favourite kinds of snowy mooncake?

雪橇在积雪的路上丁当前进。The sleigh jingled along the snowy road.

他们常常在雪夜放哨。They often stood sentry on snowy nights.