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他们的谈话有点儿心怀不轨。Their talk was slightly malicious.

他脸上堆满奸笑。A malicious smile overspread his face.

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流言蜚语者恶毒的舌头。He was bespattered by malicious gossip.

贪婪的睨视,恶意的斜觑。Greedy sidelong glances and malicious squints.

我狠狠呛了一口,咳得快要死去。I malicious Qiang one mouthful, cough soon dying.

网页服务器端可能正在执行非正常操作。The web server may be trying something malicious.

你应当对这种恶意诽谤进行反击。You ought to kick back at such malicious slander.

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陈先生的恶意评论,是暗箭伤人。Mr. Chen's malicious remark is a stab in the back.

他心肠歹毒,说的倒也是实话。His heart malicious and that the truth is inverted.

他的声誉遭到恶意中伤的诋毁。His reputation was bespattered by malicious gossip.

恶意的命运诸神决心实现歹毒的用意。Malicious fates are bent on working out an ill intent.

恶毒的谣言使她的好名声受到损害。The malicious rumours compromised her good reputation.

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忘掉那些,乜许那样莪会过得狠好。Forget those, perhaps and so I will lead malicious good.

他是一个恶毒的,坏心肠的罪犯,土匪。He's a malicious and malevolent malefactor and gangster.

它们可能包含具有破坏性的恶意代码。They may contain malicious code with damaging potential.

研究人员在苹果4代里安插了一个恶意应用程序。The researchers designed a malicious app for the iPhone 4.

明天将是母亲节,将会是一狠忙碌的一天。Tomorrow is mother's day and will be a busy day malicious.

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他为了拯救你而承受了你尚未展露的,恶毒的怨恨。He endured unfounded, malicious anger in order to save you.

Gasson自己设计的这个病毒并非恶意病毒。The virus was of Gasson's own design and was not malicious.

公正的人蹙起眉头,但从不会有那种恶意的微笑。The just man frowns, but never smiles with a malicious sneer.