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所以,企业创新网络可以形成技术路径创造。Interfirm innovation networks can shape technological path creation.

本文研究了公司间人才流动的竞争结果。This paper examines the competitive consequences of interfirm mobility.

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从这两种创新的分类入手,对企业网络与创新绩效之间的关系进行深入的研究。In the chapter two, I emphasize on how to create a innovative interfirm network.

合作伙伴之间的信任问题已经成为公司之间关系管理的关键部分。Trust between partners has become a key construct in interfirm relationship management.

在第二章中,本文研究了怎样构建一个创新型的企业网络。In this chapter, a brief review of the relationship between interfirm network and innovation is presented.

由社会人作为其行为主体的企业创新网络具有社会网络的共性特征。The interfirm innovation network, the behavior subject of which is social man, has the common characteristics of social network.

最后一点,现存文献中对于多市场影响竞争公司间竞争的具体过程只有一些粗略的叙述。Finally, the process by which multimarket competition affects interfirm rivalry has received only cursory attention in extant literature.

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经济一体化和竞争全球化使得企业开始通过企业间合作来获得竞争优势。With the integration of world economy and globalization of competition, more and more interfirm cooperations have been thriving since 1980s.

本文讨论了企业技术路径依赖创新陷阱的表现形式和基于企业创新网络的技术路径创造。This paper analyzes the characteristic of innovation traps of technological path dependence and path creation of interfirm innovation networks.

该流程最后建立了基于SVM的中间商客户价值评估模型,将该模型作为中间商选择的技术依据。Construct the interfirm's customer value evaluation model based on SVM, regard the model as the technology foundation of choosing the interfirm.

本文提出从交叉层次来理解新的合伙关系形成条件下的企业间合作的嵌入性。This paper suggests a cross-level understanding of the embeddedness of interfirm partnering in the context of the formation of new partnerships.

随着企业经营环境的迅速变化,供应商和分销商等上下游企业之间的交易关系正在经历一个根本性的变革。As the business environment is changing rapidly, interfirm relationships between upstream and downstream firms are undergoing a fundamental change.

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根据定位观,企业间差异可以由企业在其市场中相对于五种力量的独特地位来解释。According to the positioning approach, interfirm differences can be explained by firm’s unique positions in their markets vis-à-vis the five competitive forces.

我国应加强企业创新网络建设,建立起利用外部技术源的能力,促使组织间创新网络的形成。China should enhance the foundation of interfirm innovation networks and utilizes external technological resources to urge the development of innovation networks.

本文对于企业间合伙关系的不同层次嵌入的交互作用的关注是本文不同于该领域内已有研究的重要贡献所在。This focus on the complex interaction effects of different levels of embeddedness of interfirm partnering sets this contribution apart from previous work in the field.

由于公司间竞争对市场战略问题有着本质的作用,多市场竞争作为一种现象对于市场战略的研究和实践具有重要意义。Because of the central nature of interfirm rivalry to marketing strategy issues, multimarket competition as a phenomenon is of importance to marketing strategy research and practice.

除了证实了一个新的理论模型外,本研究还为宏观和微观制度因素对企业间行为的影响提供了试验性支持。In addition to the identification of a new theoretical concept, the study provides empirical support for the effects of both macro- and microinstitutional factors on interfirm behavior.

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公司之间在地缘上分散式的网络结构对技术扩散产生的强烈影响证明了组织间网络在竞争优势理论中起折更大的作用。The strong influence of geographically dispersed interfirm networks on technology diffusion justifies a greater role of interorganizational networks in the theory of competitive advantage.

不同于大量研究文献中对企业网络组织的稳定性假设,企业网络组织在实践中的波动性、高失败率都折射出其动态性的本质。Different from the stability hypothesis of interfirm network organizations in the abundant literatures, high undulation and high mortality of them in practice shows their nature of dynamic feature.