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戴维斯创立了调式爵士和融合爵士并促成了比波普爵士的诞生。Davis created modal jazz and fusion, and he helped transform bebop.

而比博普,这种更为前卫、锋利,且更具有实验精神的音乐形式即将诞生。A leaner, sharper and more experimental music was about to be born – bebop.

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我认为社会因素对比博普音乐的发展有贡献。I believe that social elements contributed to the development of bebop music.

而后者意味着,他的节奏感之接近于摇滚乐几乎就像其接近于比波普风格一样。The second meant that his sense of rhythm was almost as close to rock as to bebop.

它就像一块文化磁石,孕育出了摩天大楼、抽象表现主义、bebop和爵士乐等。It was a cultural magnet, home of skyscrapers and abstract expressionists, bebop and jazz.

麦克斯·罗奇除了创作了著名的比博普鼓法外,还是一位敢于直言的活动家。Max Roach was not only one of the great innovators of bebop drumming, but also an outspoken activist.

一个源自咆勃乐风时期的名词,代表的是乐手们在台上轮流争相展现实力、巧思、创意、技巧的竞争时刻。Jam session, a noun from bebop era, is a stage for jazz musicians demonstrates their technique and creative ideas.

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在田森的短剧,行政画鬼是从红到脚趾头,戴着眼镜,唱着比波普“大旗,唐娜利。”In Tamori's skit, the chief ogre is painted red from head to toe, wears glasses and sings the bebop tune, "Donna Lee."

这本书是致力于连接的综合艺术形式,在造成所谓比波普Pittsburghstyle爵士乐。This book is committed to connecting Pittsburghstyle jazz as the synthesis that resulted in the art form called bebop.

50年代比波普爵士乐成为主导,泰特姆继续在全国众多小俱乐部表演跨越式钢琴演奏风格的变奏曲。As bebop began to take control of jazz in the early 1950s, Tatum continued playing variations of the stride piano style, mostly at small clubs throughout the country.