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这鸡肉没有熟。This chicken is undercooked.

这鸡肉么有熟。This chicken is undercooked?.

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这鸡肉有点半生不熟。The chicken is a bit undercooked.

切勿进食生或未经彻底煮熟的鲩鱼。Do not consume raw or undercooked grass carp.

这牛排没煮熟,我点的是全熟的。My steak is undercooked. I ordered it well-done.

未加工的鸡蛋是最常见的食用风险。Undercooked eggs were the most commonly eaten risky food.

他用叉子戳戳肉,但这肉好像没烧熟似的。He poked at the meat with his fork, but it seemed undercooked.

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人们同样可以经由食用未煮熟的肉类而感染。People can also become infected by consuming undercooked meat.

不要吃生肉和生海鲜或者看起来火候不足的肉或海鲜。Don't eat any meat or seafood that is raw or appears undercooked.

未煮熟的猪肉也许含有猪绦虫活的“囊尾幼虫”。Undercooked pork may contain living "bladder worms" of the pig tapeworm.

她的孩子们吃了她没煮熟的猪肉“可能”会死于旋毛虫病。Her children were “probably” dying of trichinosis from pork she’d undercooked.

牛排做得太老了,蔬菜做得有点生。The steak is a little overcooked, and the vegetables are a little undercooked.

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不。它只适用于未加工或未煮熟的葱或产品包含他们。No. It only applies to raw or undercooked green onions or products containing them.

已知大肠杆菌的来源包括没熟的牛肉,香肠,和受污染的食物。Known sources of E. coli include undercooked beef, sausage, and contaminated produce.

人吃了未煮熟的猪肉后,这种虫进入人肠,并迅速繁殖。The worms enter the intestines of a person who eats the undercooked pork, and multiply rapidly.

用于将生浆或熟浆通过管道输送至下道工序的设备。It is used to transfer the undercooked pulp or boiled pulp to the next working procedure through pipeline.

消费者在食用可能会含有未煮熟鸡蛋的食品时要加倍小心。Consumers should watch out while eating any food that could potentially contain traces of undercooked eggs.

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食源性病例主要由原料奶,原料或未家禽和饮用水引起。Foodborne cases are mainly caused by foods such as raw milk, raw or undercooked poultry and drinking water.

嗯,这通常是由于生食或未加工熟的食品都曝露在外面造成的,嗯,然后就是因为饮用了不干净的水。And it's typically from exposure to raw or undercooked foods, um, and then any source of contaminated water.

嗯,这通常是由于生食或未加工熟的食品都曝露在外面造成的,嗯,然后就是因为饮用了不干净的水。And it’s typically from exposure to raw or undercooked foods, um, and then any source of contaminated water.