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1804年他被加冕当了皇帝。He was crowned emperor in 1804.

他于1208年左右继承王室。He was crowned king circa 1208.

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1533年六月,安妮被加冕为乐王后。In June 1533, Anne was crowned queen.

英女王伊丽莎白二世于1952年登基。Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1952.

新国王一个月后就要加冕。The new king would be crowned in a month.

他不记得被加冕为皇帝。He doesn't remember being crowned emperor.

所以现在,戴着桂冠的女神,我在此立下誓言。So now , crowned goddess, I make this vow.

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圣瓦伦丁河啊,你戴着王冠高高在上。Saint Valentine thou who art crowned aloft.

她在甜点心上面加上搅打过的奶油。She crowned the dessert with whipped cream.

他想起了被加冕的记忆。So he is remembering being crowned emperor.

看来我们的愚人之王选错了!Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool.

他的努力终告成功。His efforts were crowned with success at last.

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英国君主都在西敏寺加冕。British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey.

历代英国国王皆在西敏寺行加冕礼。British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey.

他长了一头蓬乱的棕色鬈发。His head was crowned with a mop of brown curls.

50便士硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.

硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.

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这一设计已将墨西哥国旗加于顶上。The design has been crowned with a Mexican flag.

有个人把他的狗的牙齿镶上了金齿冠。Here's man had his dog's teeth crowned with gold.

小型或丛生性的悬垂或多芽的标准型。Small or bushy trailer or multi- crowned standard.