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我买了双层玻璃窗。I bought double- paned windows.

这个房屋有新的双窗格的窗口。This home has new dual paned windows.

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高效节能的中央空调,双格窗口,节水马桶和淋浴。Energy efficient Central Air, Dual paned windows, water saving toilets and showers.

服装各个部位都采用切口和分片,以显露出里面不同颜色不同面料的宽松衬衣。All articles of clothing were slashed and paned , revealing puffs of contrasting fabric and color.

装有多片玻璃的窗子正敞向广阔的田园,在那里,黑亮亮的奶牛正在阿文河泥泞的浅滩上吃着青草。Multi- paned windows open to fields where glossy black cows graze by the banks of the muddy Avon River.

如果你们从那巨大的窗格窗口望出去,香港岛的天际线将展现在你眼前。If you look out the huge paned windows, the modern skyline of Hong Kong island would unfold before your eyes.

该公寓的焦点是一座传统的门厅,那里有几扇大方格门可通往各房间。The focal point of the apartment is a traditional entry hall, with large paned doors opening into various rooms.

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升级顶楼和周围的双层玻璃窗,在图上一层油漆来反射阳光,同样也是很好的方法。Upgraded insulation in the attic and double- paned windows all around, complete with tinting to reflect sunlight, are good ideas, too.

路的尽头,一座堂皇的宅院处从漆黑的夜幕中闪现出来,楼下从方格形的窗户里透出点点灯光。A handsome manor house grew out of the darkness at the end of the straight drive, lights glinting in the diamond paned downstairs windows.

隐藏式照明和预有线电缆连接互联网的所有房间,全新的双窗格的窗口,新的屋顶,新木地板,瓷砖地板和新的厨房。Recessed lighting and pre-wired cable internet connection in all rooms, brand new dual paned windows, new roof, new wood flooring, and new ceramic tile flooring in kitchen.