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她的眼睛失去了光泽。Her eyes lost their lustre.

好的名声在黑暗中也会毫光四射。A good name keeps lustre in the dark.

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太阳放射出异常的光彩。The sun was shining with uncommon lustre.

最后一道上光使家具亮泽了许多。The final polish added a lot of lustre to the furniture.

双面粉扑创造完美肌肤色泽。Double-faced puff creates perfect skin colour and lustre.

叶长带金边,色泽光亮。Foliaceous strip is gilt-edged, brightness of colour and lustre.

光彩绚丽的贝雕吸引了许多观众。The brilliant lustre of the shell carving attracted many visitors.

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而古旧乐器又有着一段历史让其熠熠生辉,锦上添花。And old instruments often have a history that adds to their lustre.

画师把它们跟动物胶和牛胆汁混合,以使颜色的光泽长存。They are mixed with animal glue and ox bile to make the lustre stay.

光泽1.6.5源代码,源代码完整,并可以直接使用。Lustre 1.6.5 source code source code integrity, and can be used directly.

恰当地称引名篇会使你的文章增色不少。Using appropriate quotations from classics will add lustre to your essay.

叙述了以金属氧化物为着色剂的虹彩釉的制作过程。Process of making lustre glaze by metal oxide as colouring agent was narrated.

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008年北京奥运会的又一个遗产似乎也失去了应有的光彩。Looks like yet another relic from the 2008 Beijing Olympics has lost its lustre.

一件好的玉器应当是质地坚硬致密、色泽晶莹鲜丽的。A good jade is hard, density, colour and lustre glittering and translucent uniquely.

在本郡居住的农户里,有差不多同样光荣历史的还有好几家。There are several families among the cottagers of this county of almost equal lustre.

在选材上统一选用进口发丝,柔顺亮泽,仿真度十分高。Unity on select material imported, meek, simulation is bright lustre hair is very high.

沙发外露木制部件的漆膜要光滑,色泽均匀。Sofa appears the paint film of ligneous component wants smooth, colour and lustre is even.

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水面宽阔,水静池深,朦胧的水面波光闪闪。The pond was large, and had that perfect stillness and the dark lustre of very deep water.

因此,色泽柔和自然、防污防滑的仿古砖。Accordingly, colour and lustre is gentle nature, anti-fouling prevent slippery archaize brick.

这种活力在孩子的性格上增加了一种坚硬的金属般的光泽,其魅力甚属可疑。It was certainly a doubtful charm, imparting a hard, metallic lustre to the child's character.