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冬为夏之子。Winter is summer's heir.

你是永世的一个产物。You are a heir of Eternity.

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这个独生女继承了遗产。The only daughter took as heir.

迪儿特似乎是他唯一的继承人。Tilda seems to be his only heir.

你是否遇见了金矿的小老板?。Did you fall heir to a gold mine?

童年是这所房子的唯一继承人。Tong Nian is its soly legal heir.

可是马福尔…斯莱特林的传人?。But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?

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他要求做合法的继承人。He claims to be the rightful heir.

她承认他为自己的继承人。She acknowledged him as her heir.

国王宣布安为他的继承人。The king proclaimed Anne his heir.

他们立一个孤儿为继承人。They adopted an orphan as an heir.

他声称自己合法地买了走私货。He claimed to be the rightful heir.

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为神的后嗣,救赎功成。Heir of salvation, purchase of God!

谁是真正的王位苗子?。Who was the true heir to the throne?

王位继承人诞生了。An heir to the throne was procreated.

洋葱头甚至可以使遗产继承人或寡妇也哭起来。Onions can make even heir and widow weep.

法定继承人继承了王位。The heir apparent succeeded to the throne.

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他们确认理查德为他的合法继承人。They recognized Richard as his lawful heir.

民间美术处于后继无人的濒危状态。Folk Art is in a endangered state of no heir.

这个老人死后无嗣。The old man deceased without leaving an heir.